mafaca / UtinyRipper

GUI and API library to work with Engine assets, serialized and bundle files

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


ankumc opened this issue · comments

Game name: (please, specify the game name)
Engine version: (specify engine version, if known)
Platform: (specify platform, if known)

Error message: Read 24 but expected 131075

Stack trace: at uTinyRipper.BundleFileScheme.ReadMetadata(Stream stream, Int32 metadataSize)
at uTinyRipper.BundleFileScheme.ReadFileStreamMetadata(Stream stream, Int64 basePosition)
at uTinyRipper.BundleFileScheme.ReadScheme(Stream stream)
at uTinyRipper.GameCollection.ReadScheme(SmartStream stream, String filePath, String fileName)
at uTinyRipper.GameCollection.LoadScheme(String filePath, String fileName)
at uTinyRipper.GameStructure.ProcessPlatformStructure(GameStructureProcessor processor, PlatformGameStructure structure)
at uTinyRipper.GameStructure.Load(List1 pathes, LayoutInfo layinfo) at uTinyRipper.GameStructure.Load(IEnumerable1 pathes, LayoutInfo layinfo)
at uTinyRipperGUI.MainWindow.LoadFiles(Object data)