madhead / actions-env-leak

Do the environment variables really leak into Docker actions?

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Environment "leaks" into Docker container actions

Imagine a simple Docker container action, depending on the JAVA_HOME environment variable. It may be a simple Java app assembled with Gradle Application Plugin, which uses a script searching for Java VM in a JAVA_HOME.

But for the sake of simplicity in this repo we just print the environment, highlighting the JAVA_HOME, Java location (whereis java) and Java version:

#!/usr/bin/env sh

echo "Environment:"

printf "\n"
echo "JAVA_HOME:"
printenv JAVA_HOME

printf "\n"
echo "Java location:"
command -v java # openjdk images do not have `whereis`

printf "\n"
echo "Java version:"
java --version

Now, if one bundles this script into a Docker image and use it as an action, it will print something like this:


Java location:

To reproduce the issue, run the actions/setup-java@v2 before this Docker container action:

- uses: actions/setup-java@v2
    distribution: 'adopt'
    java-version: '11'

- uses: madhead/actions-env-leak@main

The action will now print:


Java location:

Note that the JAVA_HOME environment variable now points to an invalid (inside the container) location. The action is broken!


Do the environment variables really leak into Docker actions?


Language:Shell 79.8%Language:Dockerfile 20.2%