macminiosx / wordpress-ja-pg4wp2-heroku

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What is ADMINAUTH Login Basic authentication

adilmalik393 opened this issue · comments

What is this field. When I am done deploying and installing wordpress. An authentication dialog comes and ask for username and password. And i have put the wordpress credentials as well as other credentials that were asked when i was about to deploy the app. Not sure what to do .

htpasswd のGeneratorはこちらです。

もし basic認証が必要でないならば、.htaccessの

AuthName "Login Password Required"
AuthType Basic
AuthUserFile /app/.htpasswd
require valid-user


@adilmalik393 as @macminiosx said, it is an additional mean of authentification in order to protect the private pages of wordpress. You may remove it should you think it is not necessary...

@macminiosx your link for htpasswd_generator is not working.
@GWillmann How can i remove this, Please explain

htpasswd Generator new link is:

$ heroku config:set ADMINAUTH=encrypt pssword

You can also edit config vars on your app's settings tab on Heroku Dashboard.

@adilmalik393 to remove the authentication juste delete those lines in the .htaccess file :

AuthName "Login Password Required"
AuthType Basic
AuthUserFile /app/.htpasswd
require valid-user```