maciejtreder / serverless-apigw-binary

Serverless plugin for binary files support in AWS Gateway

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Uploaded file gets corrupted

neerajlocusnine opened this issue · comments

I am uploading jpeg files from front end (Angular) using form-data to S3 via AWS Lambda. I have installed this plugin and in my serverless.yml have included the configuration as mentioned in this plugin's documentation.

However when I view the file on S3 it is corrupted. Does not matter what type of file I upload (image, doc, pdf) I cannot open it on download. This issue is also present when I make a direct POST request to my lambda function from Postman.

So anyone who finds this and is facing the same issue, if you are receiving multipart/form-data from your front end then in your serverless.yml use this

            - 'multipart/form-data'