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#faroese #føroyskt #FaroeIslands #wordoftheday
  • good evening - gott kvøld

  • tweet - fuglalát, to tweet - láta

  • electricity - ravmagn (amber * [x] strength, force)

  • smartphone - snildfon (snild - outstanding capability, phone - telefon)

  • #Copenhagen - #Keypmannahavn (keyp - purchase, deal / keypmaður - business man, dealer * [x] havn - harbour, port) #København #faroese #føroyskt #FaroeIslands

  • lundin kemur á #summarmála - the #puffins return at the first day of the #summer half #April14 #føroyskt #Grimsey

  • cairn - varði, grótrúgva (grót - stone, rúgva - heap)

  • flower - blóma, blomstur #Tinganes

  • offside trap - rangstøðufella (ranga - the wrong side * [x] støð - position * [x] fella - trap) @B36 #Effodeildin #football #faroese #føroyskt #FaroeIslands

  • #Scrabble- krossorðaspæl (krossa - cross, orð - word, spæl - play)

  • #selfie - sjálfi * [x]

  • sheep - seyður #Kollafjørðardalur #faroese #føroyskt #FaroeIslands

  • railway station - jarnbreytarstøð (jarn - iron, breyt - track, støð - station) #hvalba #suðuroy #faroese #føroyskt #FaroeIslands

  • postage stamp - frímerki (frí - free * [x] merki - mark) @FaroeseStamps

  • Blindur er bóklaus maður - Blind is a man without a book #bookday2016 #icelandic

  • television - sjónvarp (sjón - sight * [x] varp - throw) #kringvarp #faroese #føroyskt #FaroeIslands #wordoftheday[4].jpg

  • Faroese national flag - #merkið (the mark) #Flaggdagur #faroese #føroyskt #FaroeIslands

  • bus stop - busssteðgipláss #strandfaraskiplandsins #Kollafjørðardalur #faroese #føroyskt #FaroeIslands #wordoftheday

  • bicycle - súkkla #faroese #føroyskt #FaroeIslands #wordoftheday

  • #gadget - tól, dimsur, lutur #faroese #føroyskt #FaroeIslands #wordoftheday

  • #Viðareiði - the northernmost settlement in the #FaroesIslands (lies on #Viðoy) (viðar - timber, eiði - isthmus) #faroese #føroyskt

  • huldufólk (huldi - hide * [x] fólk - people) - grey elvish people from #Faroese and #Icelandic #folklore said to inhabit large rocks in the outfield #føroyskt

  • taxi - leigubilur (leiga - hire * [x] bilur - car), taxa

  • rainbow - ælabogi (æl - rain, bogi - bow) -

  • helicopter - tyrla @fly_atlantic #faroese #føroyskt #FaroeIslands #wordoftheday

  • banknote - pengaseðil (penga - financial, seðil - note, slip of paper) #FøroyskaKrónan #faroese #føroyskt #FaroeIslands

  • fire engine - sløkkibilur (sløkkja - put out a fire * [x] bilur - car)

  • #Múli (muzzle, snout) - hamlet on #Borðoy (population: 2), the last community in the #Faroes to receive electricity (1970)

  • forest - skógur #Hoydala #Tórshavn #Hoyvík #faroese #føroyskt #FaroeIslands #wordoftheday

  • #weather forecast - veðurtíðindi (veður - weather, tíðindi - news, piece of news) #faroese #føroyskt #FaroeIslands #wordoftheday

  • #football pitch - fótbóltsvøllur (fótbóltsspæl - football, vøllur - field) #Tórsvøllur #Tórshavn #faroese #føroyskt #FaroeIslands

  • road sign - ferðsluskelt (ferð - journey, ferðslu- - traffic, skelti - plate, sign) #Mykines

  • road - vegur #Kirkjubøarvegur #faroese #føroyskt #FaroeIslands #wordoftheday

  • hill - heyggjur, heygur, herða, lágt fjall; brekka #Elduvík #faroese #føroyskt #FaroeIslands #wordoftheday

  • bench - bonkur #mykines #gásadalur #faroese #føroyskt #FaroeIslands #wordoftheday

  • streetlamp - gøtuljós (gøta - street, ljós - light) #Viðoy #Viðareiði #Kunoy #Kalsoy

  • landscape - landslagsmálningur (land - land * [x] lag - order * [x] málningur - picture, canvas) #Borðoy #Kalsoy #Kunoy #Viðoy

  • window - vindeyga, gluggi #Kaldbak #faroese #føroyskt #FaroeIslands #wordoftheday

  • wave - alda, bylgja, fylling, sjógvur #Elduvík #faroese #føroyskt #FaroeIslands #wordoftheday

  • neyðdyr - emergency exit (neyð - trouble, dyr - door) @fly_atlantic #faroese #føroyskt #FaroeIslands #wordoftheday

  • dead end - gøtubotnur (gøta - street * [x] botnur - the bottom) ##mykines #gásadalur #faroese #føroyskt #FaroeIslands #wordoftheday

  • coin - myntur, pengi (penga - financial) #Borðan #Nólsoy #FøroyskaKrónan #faroese #føroyskt

  • map - kort #Svínoy

  • employers' liability insurance - arbeiðsgevaraábyrgdartrygging #faroese #føroyskt #FaroeIslands #LongWords

  • beer - øl, bjór; life is not all beer and skittles - lívið er ikki tað bera spæl #faroese #føroyskt #FaroeIslands #wordoftheday

  • fog - mjørki

  • waterfall - fossur #gásadalur #faroese #føroyskt #FaroeIslands #wordoftheday

  • goalie - málmaður (mál - goal * [x] maður - man)

  • thermometer - hitamálari (hita - warm * [x] málari - meter) #Norge #Narvik #føroyskt

  • tree - træ

  • volcano - #eldfjall (elda - light a fire * [x] fjall - mountain) #faroese #føroyskt #Iceland #wordoftheday

  • spectator - áskoðari (áskoðan - view, opinion) #Effodeildin #football #faroese #føroyskt #Toftir #FaroeIslands

  • letter - bræv #faroese #føroyskt #Iceland #wordoftheday +

  • bottle - fløska #Leynar #faroese #føroyskt #FaroeIslands

  • radio - útvarp (út - out * [x] varp - throw), kringvarp (kring - about, around), ljóðvarp (ljóð - sound) #faroese #føroyskt #FaroeIslands

  • at #sunset - tá ið sólin setur #Tórshavn #faroese #føroyskt #FaroeIslands #wordoftheday

  • we’re in the same #boat - vit eru á sama báti #Mykines #føroyskt #FaroeIslands #wordoftheday

  • team spirit - samábyrgdarkensla (samábyrgd - joint responsibility * [x] kensla - feeling) #faroese #føroyskt #football @footballiceland #ISL

  • runner - rennari @atorshavnstory #torshavnmarathon #running #faroese #føroyskt

  • skúlvur - mist on mountain tops #FaroeseClouds #faroese #føroyskt #gásadalur

  • return home - koma heim aftur #faroese #føroyskt #Reykjavík #football @footballiceland #ISL

  • #graffiti - veggjakrutl (veggur - wall * [x] krutl - scrawl) #Nólsoy #faroese #føroyskt

  • pollamjørki - #mist which lies along the sea, in bays and through the valleys #FaroeseClouds #føroyskt #Leynar

  • #Tjørnuvík - the northernmost village on #Streymoy (tjørn - pond * [x] vík - bay) #faroese #føroyskt #FaroeIslands

  • mouse pad - músamotta (mús - mouse * [x] motta - mat) #faroese #føroyskt

  • potato - epli #faroese #føroyskt #FaroeIslands #Miðvágur

  • angel - eingil #faroese #føroyskt #FaroeIslands #Mykines

  • skull - skøltur #faroese #føroyskt #FaroeIslands #Mykines

  • airplane - flogfar (flog - flying * [x] far - means of transport) @fly_atlantic #faroese #føroyskt #FaroeIslands

  • #Ólavsøka - St Olaf's Day el. Wake, National day of #Faroese #July29 #føroyskt #Tórshavn

  • system administrator - kervisfyrisitari #SysAdminDay #faroese #føroyskt

  • callback - afturtøkukall (aftur - again, once more, back * [x] tøku - retrieve * [x] kall - call)@jsconfis #javascript

  • #laptop - fartelda (fara - move, travel * [x] telda - #computer) #faroese #føroyskt

  • bird catcher - fleygamaður (#fleyga - catch bird with a fowling net * [x] maður - man) #faroese #føroyskt #Trongisvágur #Suðuroy

  • mascot - eydnulutur (eydna - luck * [x] lutur - thing, object) @B36 #faroese #føroyskt #Effodeildin

  • Flatiron Building - strúkijarnshúsið (strúkijarn - flat iron * [x] húsið - building) #faroese #føroyskt #Tórshavn

  • valley - dalur #faroese #føroyskt #saksunardalur #streymoy

  • #Bøur - a village on #Vágar, pop. 75 (Bøur - farm, infield) #faroese #føroyskt #FaroeIslands

  • #bus - bussur, rutubilur (ruta - route, bilur - automobile) #Tórshavn #SSL #Volvo #StrandfaraskipLandsins

  • go out in the outfield to inspect the #sheep - fara at seyði #Kirkjubøur #Streymoy #faroese #føroyskt #FaroeIslands

  • #Velbastaður - a village on #Streymoy, pop. 172 (Vébólstaðr - farm with a ve = shrine * [x] staður - location) #faroese #føroyskt #FaroeIslands

  • cliff - bakki, klettur, berg #Vestmanna #Streymoy #faroese #føroyskt #FaroeIslands

  • beefburger - burgari við neytakjøti (neyt - beef * [x] kjøt - meat) #faroese #føroyskt #Iceland Hamborgarafabrikkan

  • #rusty - rustaður #Sandur #Sandoy #faroese #føroyskt #FaroeIslands

  • #StrandfaraskipLandsins - the National #Faroese Transport Company (strond - coast * [x] fara - move * [x] skip - ship) #SSL #føroyskt

  • hundredth - hundraði #faroese #føroyskt

  • postbox - postkassi #Sandur #Sandoy #FaroeIslands #faroese #føroyskt

  • Føroya Fornminnissavn - National Museum of the #FaroeIslands (forn - old, ancient / fornminni - ancient monument * [x] savn - museum) #Tórshavn

  • #lighthouse - viti #Skansin #Tórshavn #FaroeIslands #faroese #føroyskt

  • football team - fótbóltslið (fótbóltur - #football * [x] lið - team, side, crowd) #Effodeildin #føroyskt #FaroeIslands @B36 @nsirunavikfc

  • #Gjógv - a village on #Eysturoy, pop. 49 (gjógb - gorge) #faroese #føroyskt #FaroeIslands

  • ferry - ferja, ferjulega #Nólsoy #FaroeIslands #faroese #føroyskt #SSL

  • Føroyar - #FaroeIslands (fær - Old Norse for sheep * [x] oy - older Faroese for island, oyar - islands) #føroyskt

  • cable TV - kaðalsjónvarp (kaðal - cable * [x] sjón - sight * [x] varp - throw / sjónvarp - television) #føroyskt #FaroeIslands

  • traffic lights - ferðsluljós (ferð - journey / ferðsla - traffic * [x] ljós - light) #Tórshavn #føroyskt #FaroeIslands ferszluljołs

  • shopping centre - sølutorg (søla - sale / til sølu - for sale * [x] torg - square, market place) #Tórshavn #føroyskt #FaroeIslands

  • eingin gjøgnum-koyring - no passage (eingin - no * [x] gjøgnum - through * [x] koyring - driving) #Tórshavn #føroyskt #FaroeIslands onczyn czeknumkojrynk

  • helipad - tyrlupallur (tyrla - helicopter * [x] pallur - bench, platform, stage) #Mykines #føroyskt #FaroeIslands @fly_atlantic

  • curio - sjaldsamur lutur (sjáldsama - rarely, unusually * [x] lutur - object) a #bridge leading to Nowhere in #Tórshavn #FaroeIslands #føroyskt

  • music - tónleikur (tóna - sound, tone, tune * [x] leika - be in motion, play, act) Kristian Blak and Piotr Damasiewicz during #ConcertoGrotto #føroyskt

  • mad engineer - sinnissjúkur verkfrøðingur (sinnissjúkur - mad * [x] verk - work * [x] frøðingur - scientist) #FaroeIslands #føroyskt @SUSReactions

  • bridge - brúgv - a #Faroese bridge between #Streymoy and #Eysturoy #føroyskt

  • ferðaætlan - timetable (ferð - journey * [x] ætlan - plan) #Kirkjubøur #Streymoy #føroyskt #FaroeIslands

  • skýskavaramir i San Francisco - the #skyscrapers in #SanFrancisco (skýggj - cloud * [x] skavari - scraper) #føroyskt / czyt. skujszkaware

  • #bookworm - bókormur (bók - #book * [x] ormur - worm, snake, dragon) #FaroeIslands #føroyskt / / læsehest (duń. hest - koń) /

  • roundabout - rundkoyring (runda - make round * [x] koyring - driving) in #Eysturoyartunnilin to connect #Streymoy and #Eysturoy in 2019

  • Ansa eftir mær (ansa eftir - look after * [x] mær - me, dative singular of eg) a #TrafficSign in #Vatnsoyrar #Vágar #føroyskt

  • Christmas tree - jólatræ (jól - Christmas, træ - tree) in #Tórshavn, a gift from the major of #Reykjavík #føroyskt /

  • #facebook - andlitbók (andlit - face * [x] bók - book) #føroyskt #Íslenska

  • sculpture - høggmyndalist (høgg - cut * [x] mynda - form, shape * [x] list - art) #Tórshavn #føroyskt

  • tourist - ferðafólk (ferð - yourney * [x] fólk - person) painting by #EdwardFuglø ("Microstate Hiker", 2008)

  • Gleðilig jól og gott nýggjár! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! #føroyskt @FaroeseStamps

  • jellyfish - hvalspýggja (hvalur - whale * [x] spýggja - vomit) #føroyskt @FaroeseStamps

  • #wool - ull [pronounced: utl] / Ull er Føroya gull - wool is Faroese gold #føroyskt @FaroeKnit

  • The fine inner wool is called rót (undercoat) and the coarse outer wool of the fleece is called broddur (overhair/guard hair/shoddy)

  • nyðra - tuft of #wool / hann fann nakrar nyðrur - he found some tufts of wool #føroyskt @FaroeKnit

  • #robot - tólmenni (tól - tool, apparatus * [x] menni - tall, powerful man) #føroyskt

  • stone fence - grótgarður [groutgarur] (grót - stone * [x] garður - wall, fence) #Mykines #føroyskt

  • stairs - trappur #Mykines #føroyskt /

  • moving house - flyting, skifta bústað (skifta - exchange * [x] bústaður - residence)

  • gate - portur / #Ólavskirkjan in #Kirkjubøur #føroyskt

  • cattle - neyt / farm in Úti á Bø near #Kirkjubøur #føroyskt

  • narrow strait - sund / Vestmannasund between #Streymoy and #Vágar as seen from #Sornfelli #føroyskt #FaroeIslands

  • beach - strond / #Leynar on #Streymoy #føroyskt #FaroeIslands

  • pixel - skíggjadepil (skíggi - screen * [x] depil - point) @SUSReactions #føroyskt

  • dune - sandheyggjur (sand * [x] heyggjur - hill) / #Sandur on #Sandoy #føroyskt #FaroeIslands

  • petrol station - bensinstøð (bensin - petrol * [x] støð - station) #Sandur on #Sandoy #føroyskt #FaroeIslands

  • innkoyring - local road in #Saksun #føroyskt #FaroeIslands

  • winding road - krókvegur (króka - to bend * [x] vegur - road) / road leading up to #Sornfelli plateau on #FaroeIslands #føroyskt

  • yellow submarine - gulur kavbátur (kav - diving * [x] bátur - boat) #Beatles #føroyskt /

  • tractor - traktorur í #Nólsoy #føroyskt #FaroeIslands

  • academy - fróðskaparsetur (fróður - well-informed, wise, intelligent * [x] skapa - create, make, form * [x] setur - place) #føroyskt #FaroeIslands

  • stream - á / Dalsa near Sandsvatn on #Sandoy #føroyskt #FaroeIslands

  • reflection (in the water) - spegilsmynd (spegil - mirror * [x] mynd - picture) #Saksun #føroyskt #FaroeIslands

  • mannagøta - footpath between villages (manna - man * [x] gøta - path) leading to #Kirkjubøur #føroyskt #FaroeIslands

  • rock - klettur #leynar #føroyskt #FaroeIslands

  • mirror - spegil #Hvítanes #føroyskt #FaroeIslands

  • Saturday - leygardagur (leyga - bath * [x] dagur - day) #føroyskt #FaroeIslands #Mykines

  • rearview mirror - afturspegil (aftur - behind, in the rear * [x] spegil - mirror) #føroyskt #FaroeIslands #Kalsoy

  • hjávegur - a secondary road leading to #Múli #føroyskt #FaroeIslands

  • Faroephil(e) - #føroyavinur (føroya - #Faroese * [x] vinur - friend) #føroyskt #FaroeIslands #wordoftheday

  • thermos - varmafløska (varmi - heat * [x] fløska - bottle) #føroyskt #FaroeIslands #Dalur

  • traffic jam - ferðsluproppur (ferðsla - traffic * [x] proppur - cork, stopper) #føroyskt #FaroeIslands #Kalsoy #sheep

  • warning sign - ferðsluávaringarskelti (ferðsla - traffic * [x] ávaring - warning * [x] skelti - sign)

  • queue - bíðirað (bíða - wait * [x] rað - row, line) the old terminal at Vága Floghavn #Vágar #FaroeIslands #FAE

  • garbage man - ruskmaður (rusk - rubbish, junk * [x] maður - man) #føroyskt #dilbert

  • wind farm - vindmyllugarður (vindmylla - windmill, wind turbine * [x] garður - farm) green energy produced near #NorðastaHorn #FaroeIslands

  • niðagrísur - ghost of an unbaptised child (niða - darkness * [x] grísur - pig) #folklore #FaroeIslands @FaroeseStamps stamp by #EdwardFuglø

  • marra - a monster from #faroese #folklore appearing at night, stimulating evil, frightening dreams @FaroeseStamps stamp by #EdwardFuglø

  • fjørutrøll - beach (fjøra) troll from #faroese #folklore covered in seaweed and pebbles @FaroeseStamps stamp by #EdwardFuglø

  • bird - fuglur / #glassart by #TróndurPatursson at Vága Floghavn #Vágar #FaroeIslands #FAE

  • mikkjalsmessurotur - prolonged rainy #weather around #Michaelmas - mikkjalsmessa (rota - continuous rainy weather) #føroyskt #FaroeIslands / there's ólavsøkurotur as well

  • satellite dish - skálkampur (skál - bowl, cup * [x] kampur - aerial) #Nokia's still connecting people in #FaroeIslands #Tórshavn #føroyskt

  • Slættaratindur (slætta - level plan, slætti - flat * [x] tindur - peak / summit), the highest mountain in #FaroeIslands #føroyskt (880 m)

  • porthole - kúgveyga (kúgva - bore * [x] eyga - eye, view, hole) on M/S Ritan ferry sailing to #Svínoy and #Fugloy #føroyskt

  • key - lykil / to the church in #Sandur on #Sandoy #føroyskt #FaroeIslands

  • airport - floghavn (flog - flying * [x] havn - port) near Sørvágur on #Vágar #FAE Vága Floghavn @fly_atlantic #føroyskt

  • pedestrian crossing - gonguteigur (gongufólk - pedestrian * [x] teigur - space, strip of field) #føroyskt #Tórshavn

  • foot mark - fótaspor #Kalsoy #Mikladalur #FaroeIslands #føroyskt

  • kindergarten - barnagarður (barn - child * [x] garður - wall, fence, yard) #Sandur #Sandoy #føroyskt #FaroeIslands

  • anchor - akker #føroyskt #Bøur #Streymoy #FaroeIslands

  • #gingerbread - piparkaka #føroyskt #FaroeIslands

  • hornið - a ram's #horn you're welcomed with when joining a #Faroese party, horn is filled with #akvavit #føroyskt

  • left / right - vinstra / høgra #Hvítanes #føroyskt #FaroeIslands

  • greenhouse - vakstrarhús (vøkstur - plant, growth * [x] hús - house) #Tórshavn #føroyskt #FaroeIslands

  • power plant - orkuverk (orka - energy, strength * [x] verk - work, power station) Sund plant (near #Tórshavn) operates as a backup and can supply the whole #FaroeIslands if necessary #føroyskt

  • #Trøllkonufingur - Witch's Finger (trøll - troll * [x] kona - woman * [x] fingur - finger) 313m high freestanding rock on #Vágar #FaroeIslands #føroyskt

  • hedgehog - igulkøttur (igul - urchin * [x] køttur - cat) #føroyskt / in English urchins are archaically called "sea hedgehogs"

  • hedgehog - tindasvín (tindur - spike, tine * [x] svín - pig) #føroyskt

  • #baraldur - juniper / ginn og tonik - here's to @WriterChrisOuld #føroyskt #dism

  • #grýla - a monster carrying a sack, into which it puts the children who have been so reckless as to breach the strict directive about fasting between #Shrovetide and #Easter #folklore #FaroeIslands @FaroeseStamps stamp by #EdwardFuglø

  • stuntman - gjøðingur (gjøðin - eager for, zealous, reckless) #Hvítanes #Streymoy #føroyskt #FaroeIslands /

  • bookmark - bókamerki (bóka - book * [x] merki - sign, trace, mark) made out of #mýrisólja (kingcup) #FaroeIslands #føroyskt

  • trampoline - loptilja (lop = jump * [x] tilja - springboard) or trampolina in #Sandavágur on #Vágar #FaroeIslands #føroyskt

  • sea monster - sjóskrímsl (sjógvur - sea * [x] skrímsl - enormous creature, monster) #FaroeIslands on Olaus Magnus #map #CartaMarina from 1572 Source:

  • #Kirkja (church) - a village on #Fugloy (population: 32) #FaroeIslands

  • bat - flogmús (flog - flying * [x] mús - mouse) #føroyskt until now 90 #bats were found or seen in the #FaroeIslands // more info,MjExMTIzMTU/94 // Johann Daniel Meyer

  • #bat - flogmús (flog - flying * [x] mús - mouse) #føroyskt until now 90 #bats were found or seen in the #FaroeIslands // more - (image taken from #JohannDanielMeyer's book "Angenehmer und nützlicher Zeit-Vertreib mit Betrachtung..." - 1756)

  • seksmannafar - #rowing #boat with six oars and six rowers (seks - six * [x] maður - man * [x] far - vessel) #Elduvík #FaroeIslands #føroyskt

  • veðurlagsbroytingar - climate changes (veður - weather / veðurlag - climate * [x] broyting - change) #graffiti #Sandavágur #Vágar #FaroeIslands #føroyskt

  • it brings luck - tað er eydnuberandi (eydna - luck * [x] bera - carry) #gadałuszka #гадалушка #Martenitsa #folklore #Bulgaria

  • life ring - bjargingarringur (bjarging - rescue, life saving * [x] ringur - ring) - #Klaksvík #Borðoy #FaroeIslands #føroyskt

  • tjørnubøka - gigantic #whale which according to popular belief had a pond on its back (tjørn - pond * [x] bøk - back, spine) #folklore #FaroeIslands #føroyskt // image: @BioDivLibrary

  • license plate - nummarpláta (nummar - number * [x] pláta - plate) #Flaggdagur 2014 #Tórshavn #føroyskt #FaroeIslands #volvo #classiccars

  • mist which lies along the sea, in bays and through the valleys, and covers the foot of the mountains while the sky above is clear - pollamjørki (mjørki - fog)

  • scooter - rennihjól (renni - run, rush * [x] hjól - wheel)

  • sinnissjúkur seyðurin - The Crazy Sheep in @getFANDOM office #poznań #føroyskt #FaroeIslands

  • tunnel - berghol (berg - mountain * [x] hol - hole) Teymur í Djúpadal tunnel on #Kalsoy #FaroeIslands #føroyskt

  • neon sign - ljóslýsing (ljós - light * [x] lýsing - announcement, advertisement) from #Dublin #føroyskt I think I'll skip the pizza

  • postcard - postkort / Heilsan frá Føroyum - greetings from #FaroeIslands #føroyskt /

  • a fish - fiska // one of ornamental reliefs for the Christian’s Church, in #Klaksvík by #EdwardFuglø

  • #chocolate - sjokuláta from Iceland's @omnomchocolate with uneven pieces #føroyskt #iceland

  • #treehouse - hús uppi í træi undir Glaðsheyggi in #Tórshavn #føroyskt

  • memory stick - geymi // other meanings: attention, have (something) at heart #føroyskt

  • teldil - #ipad or a tablet // telda - computer * [x] -il - diminutive #føroyskt

  • cemetery - kirkjugarður #Tórshavn #føroyskt

  • the alphabet - stavraðið #føroyskt school in #viðareiði

  • Kioskin hjá Astu - Asta's kiosk at #Vaglið in #Tórshavn (built in 1935) #FaroeIslands #føroyskt

  • buoy - boya on a trail to #Skálatoftir #FaroeIslands #føroyskt #borðoy

  • #Slættaratindur - slætti - flat field * [x] tindur - mountain peak - the highest #mountain in the #FaroeIslands (near #Funningur, #Eysturoy) #føroyskt

  • ram - veðrur // a breathtaking #CzesławSłania's #poststamp from 1979 which is still on sale from @FaroeseStamps #FaroeIslands #føroyskt

  • four-leaf #clover - smæra við fýra #føroyskt

  • in #miniature - í pinkustødd (pinka - small thing * [x] stødd - size) #føroyskt @Wyd_Poznanskie

  • cattle grid - #rulluportur (rulla - roller * [x] portur - gate) / vegrist (vegur - road * [x] rist - instep, grill) // according to there are around 180 rulluportur on Faroe Islands #føroyskt

  • líragras - devil's-bit scabious #flower #FaroeIslands #føroyskt // Its name arises from the fact that its roots look truncated, as if bitten off, legend has it, by the Devil.

  • #diskette - lindiskur (lin - soft, weak, flabby * [x] diskur - plate, disc) #føroyskt #retroit

  • integrated circuit - samrás (saman - together, everything included * [x] rás - track)

  • trawler - trolari (at trol - to trawl)

  • sports club - ítróttafelag (ítrótt - #sport * [x] felag - brotherhood, union, club)

  • #moustache - yvirskegg (yvir - over * [x] skegg - beard)

  • derelict #ship - avdankað skip

  • #goldcrest (Regulus regulus) - títlingskongur

  • #raven (Corvus corax) - ravnur

  • #toucan (Rhamphastos) - piparfuglur (pipar - pepper * [x] fuglur - bird)

  • #railway - jarnbreyt kv (jarn - iron * [x] breyt - path, track, road) narrow gauge tracks near Hvalba in the only operating #Faroese #coal mine. Photo from #Tjóðsavnið archives.

  • #blackbird (Turdus merula) - kvørkveggja

  • #Leypur was a wooden #creel used to carry various goods, including #peat for house heating.

  • #Kunoy (population 83 in 2020) is one of two settlements on the island of Kunoy. // Its name comes after cliff Kunoyarnakkur which is one of the highest headlands in Europe (819 m). This rocky cliff is nicknamed Konan ("the woman").

  • #oystercatcher (Haematopus ostralegus) - called #tjaldur in Faroese - is the national #bird of the Faroe Islands. Nólsoyar Páll used it in his famous allegorical ballad “Fuglakvæði” - the birds of prey symbolise the oppressive Danish officials while the Oystercather is defender of the lesser birds - the Faroese people.

  • #mýrifípa - common #cotton grass (Eriophorum angustifolium) dots boggy moors as if a giant bag of cotton wool balls has been thrown across the #Faroese landscape // #føroyskt #fjallavatn // mýri - bog, Fípa is a Faroese given name

  • #Múli is one of Faroese #abandonded settlements. Electricity reached this place in 1970. This #Borðoy's settlement name can be translated as promonotory, headland, cape. #FaroeseCities #føroyskt

  • #Barónurin is the #Faroese version of #Monopoly board game. It's name can be translated to "The Baron". //

  • traffic accident - ferðsluóhapp (#óhapp - bad luck, #accident * [x] ferðslu - #traffic)

  • klemma - clothes peg #FaroeIslands #føroyskt #Múli

  • blað - newspaper, leaf, sheet, card, blade #FaroeIslands #føroyskt

  • oyggj - island // ɔtʃː (interesting case of #skerping, a phonetic phenomenon in #Faroese) #FaroeIslands #føroyskt

  • night - nátt, "Havnar um náttina" - Havnargøta in #Tórshavn #FaroeIslands #føroyskt

  • horse - ross h /// (IMG_4304) // // // tey føroysku rossini er smá og kná Faroese horses are small, strong and persevering

  • islet - hólmur k // a small island of #Kirkjubøhólmur, near #Kirkjubøur, #Streymoy #FaroeIslands #føroyskt // IMG_0040.jpg //

  • Borðoy kv - boːrɔi borð - headland * [x] oy - island. Ánir. In modern Faroese the word "oyggj" is used for an island. However, the old word "oy" Survives in Faroese island names including "Føroyar"§ itself. //

  • football game - fótbóltsdystur k // B36 - Besiktas game played on 26th July 2018, EUFA Europa League's qualifying phase match played at Tórsvøllur #FaroeIslands #føroyskt // // fɔutpœl̥(t)sˌtɪstʊɹ

  • giraffe - giraffur k // kiˈɹafːʊɹ - // #sfzoo // gifta - ˈdʒɪfta

  • dog - hundur k hʊntʊɹ / From Old Norse hundr // hvat hundarnar vilt tú? what the heck do you want?

  • hare - // The annual hare hunting season, which lasts from 2 November until the end of December, is well underway, much to the delight of Faroese hare hunters. However, mountain hikers will not be as delighted as hiking in Faroese mountains is banned during the hare hunting season. // Four snow hares from Kragerøen in the Oslo fjord were introduced on the Faroes in August 1855 and released on the cliffs of Kirkjubøreyn west of Tórshavn. (...) It has been estimated that the population of hares on the Faroes was at least five thousand in 1997. //

  • Lítla Dímun - the smallest and the only uninhabited #Faroese island. // The name means "Little Dímun", in contrast to Stóra Dímun, "Great Dímun". Dímun may represent a pre-Norse, Celtic toponymic element meaning "double-neck". The island was bought in 1852 by men from Hvalba and Sandvík for 4,820 Rigsdaler. In 1911 it become the only privately owned island in the Faroes. //

  • movie - kvikmynd kv // kvɪkmɪnt = kvikur - swift, rapid, quick * [x] mynd - picture, filmur is used more often // //

  • reklama kv rɛklama - advertising // from Latin reclāmō ("protest, resound"), from re- ("again, back") * [x] clāmō ("call, shout"). This word has the same meaning (and is pronounced the same) in Polish and Czech. Nowadays "lýsing" is used more often. // #handsápa advertising from 1950 issue of #Sosialurin.

  • to snow - at kava [kʰɛaːva] // nú kavar it is snowing

  • Koltur h // kʰɔl̥tʊɹ - A young male horse, according to Hagstova only one man used to leave there since 2011. 2021 data shows no inhabitants.

  • typewriter - skrivimaskina kv // skriva - type * [x] maskina - machine // #NorðoyaFornminnissavn @VisitNordoy #Klaksvík

  • at klokka - to ring the church bell // The #bell in #Sørvágur's #wooden #church on #Streymoy.
    +newborn - nýføddur // ný - new * [x] at føða - give birth to // According to @hagstovan 678 children were born in #FaroeIslands in 2020 - 368 boys and 310 girls. Elias and Vár (literally "spring") were the most popular baby names. // #Lilja (Lilly) was among the most popular choices.

  • at sign - kurla kv kʰʊɻɭa // curlyhead, curlytop #teld #computing #føroyskt // Ray Tomlinson of BBN Technologies is credited for having introduced at sign usage in the messages sent between computers in 1971.

  • morð h moːɹ - murder, homicide, making a scene // fremja morð - commit a murder, gera morð - make a scene, rópa morð - give the alarm. According to ten #murders were commited on #FaroeIslands since 1945. The most common motive being jealousy. // In 2011 probably the most famous Faroese murder. took place. Dánjal Petur Hansen goes missing. After intense pressure on the local authorities, Dánjal Petur's ex wife's new partner is accused to have murdered him. The body was not found until years later at the bottom of the sea.

  • íkorni - #squirrel (from Old Norse íkorni) // All land mammals on #FaroeIslands have been introduced by man. Apart from domestic animals there are three mammals species living in the wild. This ginger fellow is not among them. #NotSoFaroeseThings #føroyskt #OruniaPark in #Gdansk

  • sutta (kv, suʰtːa) // comforter, soother // barnið er vaksið frá tátu the child doesn't need a comforter any longer (táta, kv) - dummy, comforter // (IMG_6153) // // táta‎ (fem.), sutta‎ (fem.)

  • "The Little Prince" by Antoine de Saint-#Exupéry was first published in April 1943. It has been translated into 301 languages and dialects. The first #Faroese edition, titled "Tann lítli prinsurin" was translated by Alexandur Kristiansen and published by Egið forlag in 1980. The latest edition from 2014 can be found in libraries and bookstores around the #FaroeIslands. There's even an audio-book edition (#ljóðbøk). // #literature #føroyskt

  • íri k Irishman, the Irish; (tilt.) hann rann sum undan írum he rann as though the devil was after him // ˈʊiːɹɪ
    (historical) Gaelic pirate from Scotland, the Hebrides or Ireland

  • íri - #Irishman // In 16th century #FaroeIslands suffered from English, French and Gaelic speaking pirates. // These so-called Irish pirates left some derogatory words like "írasáð" meaning scum, scoundrel, villain.

To do the justice - these pirates were highly likely based on Hebrides. Gaelic language they spoke simplify confused the local and made them call these pirates Irish.

  • #tram - sporvagnur (spor - trail, rail * [x] vagnur - coach, wagon) // spor - trail, rail * [x] vagnur.- coach, wagon. The closest tram network runs in Edinburgh, Scotland, over 700 km from #FaroeIslands. // #NotSoFaroeseThings #kmps #poznan #Konstal102N

  • sláa gras - cut the grass // slɔaː kɹɛaːs sod covered roofs (#flagtekja) are still quite common on #FaroeIslands

  • Ferris wheel - #parísarhjól (París - Paris * [x] hjól - wheel) // In #Paris 100 m tall wheel was built in 1900 for Exposition Universelle. // In English #Ferris refers to Mr George Ferris who designed 75 m tall wheel in Chicago in 1893. // #NotSoFaroeseThings #føroyskt / #AmberSky, #Gdańsk

  • Funningur is according to legends the oldest village in the Faroe Islands. Funningur sits at the foot of Slættaratindur which is the highest mountain in the Faroe Islands. Tradition says that the first viking who settled on the Faroe Islands, Grímur Kamban, settled in Funningur. its word for discovery, fundur. fʊnːɪŋkʊɹ // ein góður finningur a great find

  • #taxi - #hýruvognur, #leigubilur or #taxa

  • One of #NotSoFaroeseThings is a #castle. If you want to see one rather go to #Ireland than #FaroeIslands. // #Faroese word for castle - #borg - comes from #OldNorse. Adjective #borga means “guarantee, stand surety, become surety”.

  • The #Faroese word for #transistor is “#farkleiv” which literally means “narrow cleft to be crossed”.

  • #ebook - #ravbók (rav - #amber * [x] bók - #book).

  • Let's take a small break in our journey through #FaroeseCities? And play #cards. Using an interesting deck with #Strandfaraskip logo on them // eini kort - a deck of cards // #eini is a plural form of indefinite #Faroese pronoun #eitt (neuter gender), also meaning "one"

  • #gull - mási // Great Black-backed Gull (Larus marinus) is the largest gull in the #FaroeIslands. It can be seen all year round in harbours and around sea cliffs. // The #Faroese word "mási" also refers to "#peat which becomes greyish or whitish during the drying process".

  • #Faroese word for #library "bókasavn" literally translates to "museum of books".

  • lyngur - heather

floor //

cat //

cash register - kassatól h // tʰɔuːl



cash register

Hestur k // hɛstʊɹ - horse, stallion // an island inhabitated by 19 men. // //

Stóra Dímun // stɔuːɹa dʊimun

tongue twister - orð (setningur) ið er torført at siga; the phrase sounded like a tongue twister twister tað var sum at siga kolturstorvkongul // kolturstorvkongul -

Viðoy kv - viːjɔi

gongulurt h - walkman

backyard - //

fjall - mountain

guinea pig - marsvín

sum lundi sligin á nevið utterly ashamed, intensely embarrassed; fyltur lundi, sí fylla2; errin sum lundi very proud; fara burtur at/á lunda go catching puffins

drone - kallbýfluga (kall -

klamerka - clothes peg -

poster - uppslag

self-portrait - sjálvsmynd (sjálvs- - self * [x] mynd - picture) taken on #Fugloy #føroyskt

phone -

#tortoise - skjaldbøka (

idea - hugmynd (huga = come to think of * [x] mynd - picture) / hugskot (* [x] skot - shot) #føroyskt #FaroeIslands

fireworks - fýrverk

hálkukoyring - driving (koyring) on slippery (hálka) roads

receipt - kvittan

speed bump - vegforingar (vegur - road * [x] )

gott/ringt gonguveður good (bad) outdoor (walking) weather

  • hangover - timburmaður (timber man)

handle -

juice - djús (juse in case someone tells you that Faroese words are pretty awkward) #føroyskt

caravan - ferðamannafylgi (ferð - journey * [x] manna - man, crew * [x] fylgi - train) #funningur #føroyskt

traffic accident - ferðsluóhappið /

yellow pages - gulu síðurnar

raindrop - regndropi (regn - rain * [x] dropi - drop) #Saksun #føroyskt #FaroeIslands

intersection #Kalsoy #føroyskt #FaroeIslands

crime fiction - brotsskaldsøgur (

Pipistrellus nathusii (a small #bat) - trøllflogmús (trøll - troll, tall and strong young man * [x] flog - flying * [x] mús - mouse) #føroyskt #FaroeIslands

passport - leiðarbræv (leiðari - leader, tour operator * [x] bræv - letter, note)

Tjóðpallur Føroya - Faroese National Theater

Faroe Islands Super Cup - Stórsteypadystur (stór - big * [x] steyp - cup * [x] dystur - match) @Vikingur_ #føroyskt #FaroeIslands

Løgmansskrivstovan - the Faroese Prime Minister's Office #Tórshavn #Tinganes #FaroeIslands #føroyskt

nyðra - small fleecy clouds / sheep undercoat #FaroeseClouds #faroese #føroyskt

application software - nýtsluritbúnaður (nýtslu - consumer, user, applied * [x] ritbúnaður)

brekka - steep road

period of three hours - økt

republican - lýðveldismaður

dean, head of afaculty - megindeildarráðsformaður

live coverage - beinleiðis sjónvarp #føroyskt #KringvarpFøroya #FaroeIslands

user interface - nýtslumarkamót (nýtslu - consumer, user, applied * [x] marka - border * [x] mót - the meating of two ends) #føroyskt

whirlpool - meldurstreymur (meldur - revolve in a circle * [x] streymur - sea current) #Suðuroy #føroyskt

lawn mower - sláimaskina

silence! - verið friðarlig!

hátíðarligari - a thousand thanks

  • stock exchange - virðisbrævabørs (value * [x] letter * [x] exchange), virðisbrævaskáli ( * [x] hall)

  • tea break - testeðgur

  • stewardess - flogterna (flog - flying, terna - handmaid)

  • cinema - biografur, biografhøli

  • actress - sjónleikarakvinna (sjón - sight * [x] leikari - player, actor * [x] woman - kvinna)


Hundslappadrifa, for example, means "heavy snowfall with large flakes occurring in calm wind."

takk fyri * [x] akkusativ

heilsan fra Føroyum (dativ)

Takk fyri allan. Bestu heilsanir frá Føroyum.


#farerskiekadry #wyspyowcze #ZArchiwumFarerskiejPrasy