maaslalani / invoice

Command line invoice generator

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

can't install

pyrite357 opened this issue · comments

I don't use / know enough about GO to troubleshoot this:

go install


can't load package: package cannot use path@version syntax in GOPATH mode

Ubuntu 20.04 LTS, x64, go version go1.13.8 linux/amd64

Can you try installing a more up to date version of Go?

Thanks for the issue btw, reminds me that we probably need to get this on nix/homebrew/apt/etc...

If you aren't able to update Go, you can grab a binary from:

@maaslalani Why did you close the issue before I've had a chance to respond? :-)

What version of Go are you on? Because from what I've read, newer versions are what is the problem since they added this GOPATH thing and then broke your prev install instructions.

I also ran these prior to beginning, idk if you want to add these or not?

mkdir -p ~/go/{bin,pkg,src}
echo 'export GOPATH="$HOME/go"' >> ~/.bashrc
echo 'export PATH="$PATH:${GOPATH//://bin:}/bin"' >> ~/.bashrc
source ~/.bashrc

Installation worked with custom install of latest Go version v1.20.5.