mVermaat / Crm.Specflow

D365 Extension for SpecFlow allows you to automatically test your Dynamics 365 CE implementation. It provides a broad set of SpecFlow steps to help you create your scripts very rapidly. It leverages the EasyRepro library from Microsoft for the User Interface related tests.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

"all asynchronous processes for *** are finished doesn't work" in the Given step

RemyDuijkeren opened this issue · comments

Want to create a scenario like this:

Scenario: Set Only First Contact as Primary Contact
	Given an account named TestAccount with the following values
		| Property     | Value        |
		| Account Name | TestAccount  |
		| Main Phone   | +31624941486 |
	And a related contact from TestAccount named FirstContact is created with the following values
		| Property   | Value   |
		| First Name | First   |
		| Last Name  | Contact |
	And all asynchronous processes for FirstContact are finished
	When a related contact from TestAccount named SecondContact is created with the following values
		| Property   | Value   |
		| First Name | Second  |
		| Last Name  | Contact |
	And all asynchronous processes for SecondContact are finished
	Then SecondContact has the following values
		| Property   | Value   |
		| First Name | Second  |
		| Last Name  | Contact |
	And TestAccount has the following values
		| Property        | Value       |
		| Primary Contact | FirstContact |

But it doesn't work because all asynchronous processes for *** are finished doesn't work in the Given section.

And all asynchronous processes for FirstContact are finished
-> No matching step definition found for the step. Use the following code to create one:
->         [Given(@"all asynchronous processes for FirstContact are finished")]
->         public void GivenAllAsynchronousProcessesForFirstContactAreFinished()
->         {
->             _scenarioContext.Pending();
->         }