M4cs / aly

Command Line Alias Manager and Plugin System - Written in Golang

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

aly - Command Line Alias Manager and Packager

Aly offers the simplest way to manage, share, and obtain command line aliases!

Warning: This project is still in early development. Minimal testing has been done on Windows!

Table of Contents

I. Features

II. Installation

III. Usage

IV. Creating Plugins

V. Adding an Official Plugin


  • Aliases shared, loaded, and stored as JSON files for easy customization and readability
  • Configure w/ the tool or manually
  • Download remote Alias plugins to load a bunch all at once!
  • Update plugins remotely or from local files!


First, install Go and then run:

go get -u github.com/M4cs/aly
go install github.com/M4cs/aly

Next, add this to your shell's profile:

aly -l
source ~/.alyases

See below for usage information!


Installing a Plugin

# From Remote URL
aly -a 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/M4cs/aly/master/example_unix_plugin.json'

# From Local File
aly -a '/path/to/plugin.json' -f

# Enable the plugin
aly -e 'Plugin Name'

Enabling/Disabling Plugins

# Enable
aly -e 'Plugin Name'

# Disable
aly -d 'Plugin Name'

Update Plugins

# Update A Single Plugin from their URL
aly -u 'Plugin Name'

# Update A Single Plugin from Local File
aly -u '/path/to/plugin.json' -f

# Update All Plugins
aly -t

See All Installed Plugins

aly -i

See Plugin Info

aly -p 'Plugin Name'

Delete A Plugin Completely

aly -r 'Plugin Name'

Creating a Plugin

All plugins are in the JSON format. You can create a plugin very easily using the below formatting.

    "plugin_name": "Your Plugin Name",
    "author": "github/M4cs",
    "description": "A small description about your plugin",
    "version": "1.0.0",
    "aliasmap": [
            "alias": "ec",
            "description": "Example Alias",
            "command": "echo",
            "platform": "*",
            "subalias": {
                "t": "'testing'",
                "hw": "'hello, world!'",
                "a": "$1"


  • plugin_name - The name of your plugin. This is what it will be referred to for updating, enabling, disabling, etc. Keep it short and unique!
  • author - Your name. I recommend using your github/USERNAME
  • description - A small description about your plugin
  • version - Version number for plugin. This should be semantic syntax.
  • aliasmap - Your map of aliase groups for the plugin.
  • platform - Refers to the platform that the alias will work on. Supports: windows, unix, *, or any GOOS platforms.


An alias group includes a base alias, base command, and subaliases. If there are subaliases, they will be concatenated with the base alias.

  • alias - The base alias for your command. This will run whatever is in command.
  • command - The base command for your alias. This will run whenever the alias is run.
  • description - Description of your alias group.
  • subaliases - subalias:args dictionary. This will add the subalias to the alias specified and add the args string to your base command string.

Using the JSON example above:

  • ec will run echo
  • ect will run echo 'testing'
  • echw will run echo 'hello, world!'
  • eca will run echo $1 using whatever argument you send to it (or Windows equivalent)

Adding Your Plugin To The Official Repository

You should add a folder with your username into ./official_plugins/. For example, I'd add ./official_plugins/M4cs/. Inside of this folder, you will add your different plugins using .json files. You should include a README.md with some information about what your plugin(s) offer!

  1. Make a Pull Request using the Add a Plugin Template Here
  2. Fill Out Pull Request Template w/ Your Fork
  3. Submit Pull Request and Await Review!


Command Line Alias Manager and Plugin System - Written in Golang


Language:Go 100.0%