support Scala 2.12
xuwei-k opened this issue · comments
I can work on the changes needed but I'm afraid I no longer have a permission to publish libs to the Maven central. @btakashi can anyone work on the publishment?
Sure, I can assign someone but actually I don't quite understand what is needed (in order to publish libs to Maven central) - any pointers?
@btakashi Thank you for your prompt reply. The following resources should help you understand it.
- the maintainers' guide for this repository:
- the offical documentation by sonatype:
As described on the above guide, M3 has a sonatype account (m3dev) to maintain groupId com.m3
If you need to reset the password to log into sonatype and publish libs, check the GitHub-related email address (if you forgot it, I can tell you personally).
It's ok to share the account among the developers in-house. But adding individuals to the accounts that can publish under the groupId like this may be better in aspect of security.
I'll work on a pull request later. Assign somebody to review the PR and publish libs with it.
Hello can you release a version for Scala 2.12?