m2man / EfficientNetV2-pytorch

EfficientNetV2 pytorch (pytorch lightning) implementation with pretrained model

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Unofficial EfficientNetV2 pytorch implementation repository.

It contains:


  1. Tutorial
  2. Experiment results
  3. Experiment Setup
  4. References


Colab Tutorial

How to load pretrained model?

If you just want to use pretrained model, load model by torch.hub.load

import torch

model = torch.hub.load('hankyul2/EfficientNetV2-pytorch', 'efficientnet_v2_s', pretrained=True, nclass=1000)

Available Model Names: efficientnet_v2_{s|m|l}(ImageNet), efficientnet_v2_{s|m|l}_in21k(ImageNet21k)

How to fine-tuning model?

If you want to finetuning on cifar, use this repository.

  1. Clone this repo and install dependency

    git clone https://github.com/hankyul2/EfficientNetV2-pytorch.git
    pip3 install requirements.txt
  2. Train & Test model

    python3 main.py fit --config config/base.yaml --trainer.gpus 2, --data.dataset_name cifar100 --model.model_name efficientnet_v2_s  --seed_everything 2021

Experiment Results

Model Name Pretrained Dataset Cifar10 Cifar100
EfficientNetV2-S ImageNet 97.98 88.53
EfficientNetV2-M ImageNet 98.38 85.81 (🤔)
EfficientNetV2-L ImageNet 98.4 -
EfficientNetV2-S-in21k ImageNet21k 98.1 89.2
EfficientNetV2-M-in21k ImageNet21k 98.2 89.5
EfficientNetV2-L-in21k ImageNet21k 98.2 90.1
EfficientNetV2-XL-in21k ImageNet21k - -


  1. Training Results are not good enough to match with paper results
  2. All models are trained using same setup in experiment setup section (which is adapted from paper)

Experiment Setup

ImageNet Setup

Setup Contents
Data ImageNet(ImgeSize=128, RandAugmentation=5, Mixup=0)
Model EfficientNetV2(Dropout=0.1, Stochastic_depth=0.2)
Optimizer RMSProp(decay=0.9, batch_norm_momentum=0.99, weight_decay=1e-5, momentum=0.9)
Learning rate (epoch=350, batch_size=4096, lr=0.256, warmup=?) learning rate decay by 0.97 every 2.4 epochs
EMA decay_rate=0.9999

Cifar Setup

Setup Contents
Data Cifar(ImgeSize=224, Cutmix)
Model EfficientNetV2(Dropout=0.0, Stochastic_depth=0.2)
Optimizer SGD(weight_decay=1e-5, momentum=True)
Learning rate CosineLearningRate(epoch=100, batch_size=32, lr=0.001, warmup=1)


  1. For progressive learning, ImageSize, RandAugmentation, Mixup, Dropout are going to be changed along with epoch.
  2. Evaluation Size is different for each model
  3. epoch=100 in Cifar Stepup is calculated from paper like this: 10,000 step * 512 batch size / 50,000 images = 102.4
  4. To see more model specific details, check efficientnet_v2_config.py
  5. To see more train hyperparameter, check cifar.yaml




EfficientNetV2 pytorch (pytorch lightning) implementation with pretrained model

License:Apache License 2.0


Language:Python 100.0%