m-i-n-a-r / tarazed

πŸš€ Display the space launches history, gracefully. Page template included

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Tarazed - History of space launches

Status: v 1.1


Tarazed takes every space launch in history from Launchlibrary and displays a visual representation using d3js v4 and javascript. This kind of visualization should be easy to embed in another web page. For the available informations, refer to the API documentation.


How can a user understand the progression behind the overall evolution of the space travel phenomenon?

The specific task is to display the history of the space travels from 1961 until the last scheduled launch in a clear and easy to understand representation, focusing on group of launches instead of single launches. The user can see the progress on a time based representation, interacting with the graph to see the statistics of each year or decade, and easily comparing them. Approximately, there are 2000 launches, 250 agencies, 15 launch locations and a time window of 60 years (at the time of writing).


  • Dynamic data! The visualization is automatically updated when a new launch is scheduled
  • Interactive visual representation, precise stats (completed/failed, launch location, total launches and more)
  • Countdown to the next scheduled launch
  • Smooth animations for almost every interaction
  • Compare launches across 2 or more years or decades
  • The sources are easy to customize and understand
  • A simple page template to display the graph (including a customizable particles.js background)


Basic layout (tarazed-clean folder)


Template layout (tarazed-template folder)


How to

Just clone the repo! You can use it as it is (use an http local server running the command python -m http.server 8080), or import the script and the css in another html page: make sure to add a div with the correct id (it must match the idToSelect variable in the js file) and the same DOM structure. The customizable elements are in the script iteself and in the css.


πŸš€ Display the space launches history, gracefully. Page template included


Language:JavaScript 91.6%Language:CSS 6.6%Language:HTML 1.7%