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Hotot-qt: Erratic auto-update

LukasThyWalls opened this issue · comments

It's something i see every time i used hotot-qt instead hotot in KUbuntu with a lot of tweets (for example, following a live event). With hotot the tweet autoupdates with a decent rate, but with hotot-qt, sometimes takes seconds, and other times takes minutes, and sometimes i need to force the reload with R because it doesn't update anything until many minutes (15-20) but normally it update the stream in any moment. If i used the R button, sometimes works many times normal and other times doesn't do the updates again. There isn't a pattern.

Because that i used normaly hotot when hotot-qt is more addapted to KDE.

I don't know what data i have to report, because in the log i don't see anything in this fails of the autoupdate, and it hasn't any pattern in the data. I will put a part of the log, when i first push R for a force update, and before a normal autoupdate made by hotot-qt:



I don't know if it's related this error


but i appears always in the last two lines after a update (normal o forced)