lyndsey-ferguson / fastlane-plugin-test_center

🎯 The best fastlane plugin to understand and tame misbehaving iOS tests 🎉

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Double -resultBundlePath parameters with Fastlane2.201.1

louisssliao opened this issue · comments

Issue Description

I upgraded to Fastlane 2.201.1 and run multi_scan, it exits with status code 64 Exit status: 64.
This error doesn't happen in Fastlane 2.200.0.

sim_callback = lambda do |simulator_device_udid|
          puts "Start simulator with UDID: #{simulator_device_udid}"

            workspace: "XXXXX",
            scheme: "SmokeTest",
            device: "iPhone 8 (15.2)",
            derived_data_path: "XXXXX",
            buildlog_path: "XXXXX",
            output_types: 'junit',
            result_bundle: true,
            try_count: 1,
            parallel_testrun_count: 2,
            retry_test_runner_failures: true,
            clean: true,
            reinstall_app: true,
            app_identifier: "XXXXX",
            simulator_started_callback: sim_callback,
            skip_slack: true,
            skip_testing: ["XXXXX"],

When we use multi_scan with the following parameters, we see this error: option '-resultBundlePath' may only be provided once

[10:11:27]: Starting test run 1
[10:11:27]: Starting test run 2
[10:11:49]: Shutting down 5885EA1B-4016-4D89-91D7-0F6D508B3373
[10:11:55]: Shutting down 0F5D5632-BD46-430D-B6DE-F1DBAA4DEBBB
[worker 1]
[worker 1] +--------------------------------------+--------------------------------------+
[worker 1] |                          Summary for scan 2.201.1                           |
[worker 1] +--------------------------------------+--------------------------------------+
[worker 1] | workspace                            | XXXXX                                |
[worker 1] | scheme                               | SmokeTest                            |
[worker 1] | derived_data_path                    | /var/folders/vs/dskdwrjd0qz_5pshbzl  |
[worker 1] |                                      | lg71r0000gn/T/derived_data_path2022  |
[worker 1] |                                      | 0125-38373-cxiphl-worker-1           |
[worker 1] | buildlog_path                        | XXXXX                                |
[worker 1] | output_types                         | junit                                |
[worker 1] | clean                                | false                                |
[worker 1] | reinstall_app                        | true                                 |
[worker 1] | app_identifier                       | XXXXX                                |
[worker 1] | skip_slack                           | true                                 |
[worker 1] | skip_detect_devices                  | false                                |
[worker 1] | ensure_devices_found                 | false                                |
[worker 1] | force_quit_simulator                 | false                                |
[worker 1] | reset_simulator                      | false                                |
[worker 1] | disable_slide_to_type                | true                                 |
[worker 1] | only_testing                         | ["XXXXX"]                            |
[worker 1] | xctestrun                            | XXXXX                                |
[worker 1] | open_report                          | false                                |
[worker 1] | output_directory                     | XXXXX                                |
[worker 1] | output_files                         | report.junit                         |
[worker 1] | xcodebuild_formatter                 | xcbeautify                           |
[worker 1] | output_remove_retry_attempts         | false                                |
[worker 1] | should_zip_build_products            | false                                |
[worker 1] | output_xctestrun                     | false                                |
[worker 1] | use_clang_report_name                | false                                |
[worker 1] | disable_concurrent_testing           | true                                 |
[worker 1] | xcargs                               |  -parallel-testing-enabled NO        |
[worker 1] |                                      | -resultBundlePath                    |
[worker 1] |                                      | '/Users/dev/code/XXXXX/fastlane/     |
[worker 1] |                                      |test_output/XXXXX/report.xcresult'    |
[worker 1] | slack_use_webhook_configured_userna  | false                                |
[worker 1] | me_and_icon                          |                                      |
[worker 1] | slack_username                       | fastlane                             |
[worker 1] | slack_icon_url                       |  |
[worker 1] |                                      | astlane_icon.png                     |
[worker 1] | slack_only_on_failure                | false                                |
[worker 1] | xcodebuild_command                   | env NSUnbufferedIO=YES xcodebuild    |
[worker 1] | skip_package_dependencies_resolutio  | false                                |
[worker 1] | n                                    |                                      |
[worker 1] | disable_package_automatic_updates    | false                                |
[worker 1] | use_system_scm                       | false                                |
[worker 1] | number_of_retries                    | 0                                    |
[worker 1] | fail_build                           | true                                 |
[worker 1] | include_simulator_logs               | false                                |
[worker 1] | skip_build                           | false                                |
[worker 1] | xcode_path                           | /Applications/       |
[worker 1] | build_for_testing                    | false                                |
[worker 1] | result_bundle                        | false                                |
[worker 1] +--------------------------------------+--------------------------------------+


[worker 1] [10:11:48]: $ set -o pipefail && env NSUnbufferedIO=YES xcodebuild -destination 'platform=iOS Simulator,id=5885EA1B-4016-4D89-91D7-0F6D508B3373' -derivedDataPath /var/folders/vs/dskdwrjd0qz_5pshbzllg71r0000gn/T/derived_data_path20220125-38373-cxiphl-worker-1 -resultBundlePath '/var/folders/vs/dskdwrjd0qz_5pshbzllg71r0000gn/T/d20220125-51429-z4oj7j/SmokeTest.xcresult' -disable-concurrent-testing -xctestrun '/Users/louis.liao/SDET/Instance_PR_Test/Build/Products/SmokeTest_iphonesimulator15.2-x86_64.xctestrun'  -parallel-testing-enabled NO -resultBundlePath '/Users/dev/code/grindr/grindr-3.0-ios/fastlane/test_output/GrindrUITests-batch-1/report.xcresult'  -only-testing:GrindrUITests/GrindrUITestsAccountLogin/testUserCanCreateANewAccountAfterDeletingHisOwnProfile -only-testing:GrindrUITests/GrindrUITestsCascade/testFavoriteUserShouldAppearWithAStarBlockedUserShouldDisappearFromTheCascade test-without-building | tee '/Users/louis.liao/SDET/Instance_PR_Test/scan/worker-1-logs/GrindrUITests-SmokeTest.log' | xcbeautify
[worker 1] [10:11:48]: ▸ Loading...
[worker 1] [10:11:49]: ▸ xcodebuild: error: option '-resultBundlePath' may only be provided once

@louisssliao I want to apologize that I have not responded to this issue. A family health issue is requiring me to narrow my focus on the essentials and I don't have the time I need to focus on the plugin more than a minute. If you can get some other contributors to this project to help with this, I would consider merging a resulting PR.

Thanks for the response, hope everything goes well with your family. Hope there are some contributors can help on this. 🤞

@louisssliao can you provide a sample project that exhibits this issue? A sample will help me debug and fix the problem faster. 🙏

@lyndsey-ferguson Good to see you back on this project! This issue is outdated, there is another error message when using the latest Fastlane, I will try the latest Fastlane version and create a new issue if the issue still exists. Thanks.
