lynaghk / cljx

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Characters in a cljx file after #+clj

dpetrovics opened this issue · comments

Not sure if this is some oversight on my part, or a bug, so I'll report it here. I'm running Clojure 1.7.0-alpha2, cljx 0.6.0, using CIDER nrepl 0.8.2.

Leiningen 2.4.2 on Java 1.8.0_11 Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM

We've been using cljx for a while with no issues, but just noticed an error with the following code snippet inside a cljx file:

(defn foo []

Compiling that namespace yields "No reader function for tag +clj". If I remove the #+clj, or if I replace the \x with "x", all works well.

Any thoughts on this one?

This one slipped through the cracks, sorry.

Pure speculation, but I'm guessing this is an sjacket issue. I'll figure it out next time I'm fiddling with cljx, but workarounds should be straightforward in the interim.