lykmapipo / themify-icons

Pixel-perfect, hand-crafted icons that draw inspiration from Apple iOS 7

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Fails on import with webpack

vedmant opened this issue · comments

It fails to import fronts from this package because of wrong paths for icon font files:

src:url(../scss/themify-icons/fonts/themify.eot?#iefix-fvbane) format('embedded-opentype'),
	url(../scss/themify-icons/fonts/themify.woff?-fvbane) format('woff'),
	url(../scss/themify-icons/fonts/themify.ttf?-fvbane) format('truetype'),
	url(../scss/themify-icons/fonts/themify.svg?-fvbane#themify) format('svg');

It works well if I change paths to:

src:url(fonts/themify.eot?#iefix-fvbane) format('embedded-opentype'),
	url(fonts/themify.woff?-fvbane) format('woff'),
	url(fonts/themify.ttf?-fvbane) format('truetype'),
	url(fonts/themify.svg?-fvbane#themify) format('svg');

Same issue here, thanks for the solution!

@lykmapipo anytime soon you can get this fixed? After each update I need to update/upgrade the paths, kind of annoying haha

Same here

It should fixed.. Same happen for me with webpack