lykmapipo / express-respond

HTTP response methods with auto content negotiation for expressjs

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Uncaught TypeError: Path must be a string

kasongoyo opened this issue · comments


I keep getting this error Uncaught TypeError: Path must be a string when i use response.ok(jsonData) then upon inspecting the source code i identified that the error is starting at line 29 in the file module/lib/normalize.js where by it seems there is an assumption that the first parameter will always be string and you name it view in the function declaration. In the documentation it is explicitly mentioned that its possible to call response.ok(json) without view as the first parameter then the source code contradict with the documentation in that way? Please can you try to verify this and let me know? You can reproduce the error by calling response.ok(json).

Please don't close my issues immediately after you gave out your answer instead leave sometime before you close it so that i can have space to either need more clarification or comment on your answer.