lyft / toasted-marshmallow

S'More speed for Marshmallow

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

cannot import name 'SchemaJit'

vklap opened this issue · comments


When defining the Jit in the Meta class:

class BaseSchema(Schema):
    class Meta:
        jit = toastedmarshmallow.Jit

Then I can the following error at runtime:

ImportError: cannot import name 'SchemaJit'


what was the resolution here? I'm running into the same issue with

I think that you should make sure you import only toastedmarshmallow - becuase toastedmarshmallow already forked/copied mashmallow inside its code base.

So, hopefully if you run the following uninstall and install commands, then it should work:

pip uninstall marshmallow==2.15.3
pip install toastedmarshmallow==0.2.6