lyft / python-confidant-client

Client library and CLI for Confidant

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"Unrecognized arguments" in CLI Example

jacohend opened this issue · comments

From the example in the 'confidant help' command, this:

confidant get_service -u "" -k "alias/authnz-production" --from myservice-production --to confidant-production --user_type service --region us-west-2 --service myservice-production

yields the error

confidant: error: unrecognized arguments: -u -k alias/authnz-production --from myservice-production --to confidant-production --user_type service --region us-west-2

It should yield a url unreachable or kms auth error, not an argument error if the example is correct.

It also appears that the arg usage is incorrect for user_type (there should be a hyphen, not an underscore):

usage: confidant [-h] [--config-files CONFIG_FILES] [--profile PROFILE] [-u URL] [--retries RETRIES] [-k AUTH_KEY] [-l TOKEN_LIFETIME] [--token-version TOKEN_VERSION] [--from _FROM] [--to _TO] [--user-type USER_TYPE] [--mfa] [--assume-role ASSUME_ROLE] [--region REGION] [--log-level LOG_LEVEL] [--version]

Ah. yeah. The example is bad. I'll make a PR for a correct example. Writing python CLIs is kind of a pain. So, Some of the options are global options and some are specific to the subcommand. Easiest way to know which are which:

global arguments:

confidant --help

subcommand specific arguments:

confidant get_service --help

Here's the call I usually use for get_service:

confidant --profile production get_service --service myservice-production

And here's an example of a confidant client config file that would match that call:

  auth_key: alias/authnz-production
    from: myservice-production
    to: confidant-production
    user_type: service
  token_cache_file: '/run/confidant/token_cache'
  region: us-west-2

Ah, ok. Also, it appears that the example actually needs to have the main get_service command moved to after the auth arguments, like so

confidant -u "" -k "alias/authnz-production" --from myservice-production --to confidant-production --user_type service --region us-west-2 get_service --service myservice-production

Yep, everything prior to get_service is a global argument. What you have there looks correct, though user_type should be user-type.

I'm gonna keep this open until I fix the example in the code.