lyft / cartography

Cartography is a Python tool that consolidates infrastructure assets and the relationships between them in an intuitive graph view powered by a Neo4j database.

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Cartography Multiple AWS Account Setup always discover hub account

usamayousuf13 opened this issue · comments

Cartography Multiple AWS Account Setup always discover hub account even though it shows acc id of spoke account on terminal but it actually discovers hub account


I am trying to use cartography for multiple aws accounts, i want to use hub account to deploy my cartography service and neo4j db (in ec2) and want to discover resources of spoke accounts using sts assume role. I am following the documentation step by step, all the permissions and policies are set accordingly but It fails to discover spoke account resources and always bring hub account resources on neo4j DB.
The terminal show account id of spoke account, but its misleading, it actually discover hub account.

Keep in mind that my hub and spoke account are not inside one organisation, but rather are two separate AWS accounts.


attaching some screenshots below for reference

Please complete the following information::

  • Cartography release version = '0.79.2'
  • Python version: Python 3.10.6
  • OS Ubuntu (ec2 T2.medium)

Screenshot from 2023-05-30 01-27-15
Screenshot from 2023-05-30 01-29-52
Screenshot from 2023-05-30 01-27-35
23-05-30 01-32-06](
Screenshot from 2023-05-30 01-29-04