lxxue / FRNN

Fixed Radius Nearest Neighbor Search on GPU

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

What is the function of the grid points? Can it be used to subsample a point cloud in a voxel downsample way?

liuzhy71 opened this issue · comments



Thank you for the great work!

Currently I need to find the k nearest neighbor for a point cloud, then I need to downsample the point cloud in a voxel downsample way, can the grid output be use for the downsampling?


I hope I understand your question correctly. Here is the documentation for the returned grid structure:


Lines 217 to 223 in 59a4c8f

grid: A namedtuple of 4 tensors for reusing the grid if necessary/possible.
Users don't need to know what's inside.
_GRID = namedtuple("GRID", "sorted_points2 pc2_grid_off sorted_points2_idxs grid_params")
sorted_points2 is a spatially sorted version of points2;
sorted_points2_idxs records the mapping between points2 and sorted_points2;
grid_params characterizes the constructed grid;
pc2_grid_off records the start and the end indices of sorted_points2 for each grid

In sorted_points2, points are sorted according to their voxel index. Therefore, with pc2_grid_off you will know the points inside one specific voxel (Here 2 are hard-coded for 2D points, you might want to change to 3):

int p2_start = pc2_grid_off[n * G + cell_idx];
int p2_end;
if (cell_idx + 1 == grid_total) {
p2_end = lengths2[n];
} else {
p2_end = pc2_grid_off[n * G + cell_idx + 1];
for (int p2 = p2_start; p2 < p2_end; ++p2) {
float2 diff;
diff.x = points2[n * P2 * 2 + p2 * 2] - cur_point.x;
diff.y = points2[n * P2 * 2 + p2 * 2 + 1] - cur_point.y;

And then you can do whatever you want to downsample the points inside each voxel.


Thanks a lot! Are we allowed to change the initial grid size before fitting the knn?

Yes, the search radius r and radius_cell_ratio jointly determine the grid size:

cell_size = r[i].item() / radius_cell_ratio

For KNN you should find a radius large enough so that you can find K neighbors within the radius for sure. When the radius_cell_ratio is an integer, the method runs more efficiently since it search 2*ceil(radius_cell_ratio)+1 grids on one dimension.