lvivski / start

Sinatra inspired web development framework for Dart

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Start provides no pragmatic post parameter handling

nkratzke opened this issue · comments

Start provides no pragmatic parameter handling of post request. Therefore I propose the following method for class Request.

 * Method to get post parameters from a [Request] object.
Future<Map<String, String>> getPostParams({ Encoding enc: UTF8 }) {
  Completer c = new Completer();
  this.input.transform(const AsciiDecoder()).listen((content) {
    final postParams = new Map.fromIterable(
        content.split("&").map((kvs) => kvs.split("=")),
        key: (kv) => Uri.decodeQueryComponent(kv[0], encoding: enc),
        value: (kv) => Uri.decodeQueryComponent(kv[1], encoding: enc)
  return c.future;

This would enable to do a pragmatic post parameter handling in start. Like this ..."/formular").listen((Request req) {
      final name = req.getPostParams().then((params) {
        final fn = params['first name'];
        final ln = params['last name'];
        req.response.send(renderForm("$fn $ln"));

Related to #47, I like your solution, will integrate it soon

Would be great ...

I think it's not only for POST params, but also for PUT ones. So I'll rename it to something more useful, like params. Nevertheless, it looks, like it works now, thanks

Yeah I think the have requestParams() method to get all request parameters of any kind of request (put, get, delete, post) would be very useful. BTW: Thanks to integrate pragmatic cookie handling in requests with version 0.2.1 ;-)