luvit / luv

Bare libuv bindings for lua

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

uv.fs_scandir skips dotfiles

haolian9 opened this issue · comments

(sorry if i have opened a upstream issue here.)

in my use, uv.fs_scandir and uv.fs_scandir_next do not return files startswith ., i can neither find a flag in their function signature. is this feature addable?

This is a libuv limitation, see

Note: Unlike scandir(3), this function does not return the “.” and “..” entries.

Edit: nevermind, it looks like you're looking for files starting with ., which fs_scandir_next should be picking up, this works for me.

To be clear, do you mean . and .. or files with a dot prefix (e.g. .something)?


oh, sorry i just missed your comment. i mean to "files with a dot prefix (e.g. .something)".

That should work.

local uv = require('luv')

assert(uv.fs_scandir('.', function(err, req)
  assert(not err)
  local function iter()
    return uv.fs_scandir_next(req)
  for name, ftype in iter do
    print(name, ftype)

from within a cloned luv repo gives me:

.ci	directory
.clang-format	file
.clangd	file
.editorconfig	file
.git	directory
.github	directory
.gitignore	file
.gitmodules	file
CMakeLists.txt	file
LICENSE.txt	file
Makefile	file	file
appveyor.yml	file
build	directory
cmake	directory
deps	directory	file
... (truncated)

thanks for the example!