luukvdmeer / sfnetworks

Tidy Geospatial Networks in R

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Support typed library

latot opened this issue · comments

Hi all, maybe all ppl with some experience on R, would know is not easy to debug or work with a language where there is no checks on types, or where we can do some weird things like NA + 1 = NA.

There is several challenge aspects in order write good code, and this to be used correctly, like, no one send some trash to the param of a function.

Some time ago, I found the library "typed", which give us the chance to check when a var changes it is still a valid one, or when passing a param to a function.

The "typed" lib, give us the chance to create or own assertions, I think would be great have them for sfnetworks, I have created this one:

typed_sfnetworks <- typed::as_assertion_factory(function(value, null_ok = FALSE) {
    if (null_ok && is.null(value)) return(NULL)
    if (!sfnetworks::is.sfnetwork(value)){
        e <- sprintf(
        "type mismatch",
            x_arg = "typeof(value)",
            y_arg = "expected"))
        stop(e, call. = FALSE)


To use is very simple:

typed_sfnetworks() ? x

#For vars
#This will throw an error
x <- sf::st_read("network.gpkg")
#This will works
x <- sf::st_read("network.gpkg") %.>%
       sfnetworks::as_sfnetwork(., directed = FALSE)

#For params
f <- ? function(network = ? typed_sfnetworks()) {
  network %.>% sfnetworks::active(., "nodes") %.>% sf::st_as_sf(.)

I think would be great have a sfnetworks::typed_sfnetwork or similar inside the package, to use this checks on libs who uses sfnetworks.
