luukvbaal / statuscol.nvim

Status column plugin that provides a configurable 'statuscolumn' and click handlers.

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Change background color of statuscol

jainvaibhav671 opened this issue · comments

My Neovim currently looks like this

I would like to change the background of the statuscol to match the whole background
this is my config

  config = function()
    local builtin = require("statuscol.builtin")
        relculright = true,
        segments = {
          {text = {builtin.foldfunc}, click = "v:lua.ScFa"},
          {text = {"%s"}, click = "v:lua.ScSa"},
          {text = {builtin.lnumfunc, " "}, click = "v:lua.ScLa"}

What is the issue here? Neovim internally applies the LineNr, FoldColumn, SignColumn etc. highlight groups where applicable for 'statuscolumn'. Beyond that, the builtin segments in this plugin also apply those groups (looks like you need FoldColumn). Other than that, custom segments can be set through the segment.hl field.

Closing since "Change background color of statuscol" is already possible.