luukvbaal / statuscol.nvim

Status column plugin that provides a configurable 'statuscolumn' and click handlers.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Wrong fold column with a floating window

stevanmilic opened this issue · comments


When floating window is opened the fold column is (wrongly) populated with (default nvim fillchars) values, once the floating window is closed and cursor is moved (re-render happens) the fold column resets back to custom fillchars config.

Config used:

local builtin = require("statuscol.builtin")
	segments = {
		{ text = { "%s" } },
			text = { builtin.lnumfunc },
			condition = { true, builtin.not_empty },
		{ text = { " ", builtin.foldfunc, " " } },
set fillchars+=stl:─,stlnc:─,fold:\ ,foldopen:\ ,foldsep:\ ,foldclose:

Without floating window


With floating window (Mason)


Let me know if additional details are needed 🙏🏻

Thanks for this great plugin!

Yes, this is a known limitation of vim.opt_local, which cannot target specific buffers but is the better interface for comma-separated list options.

Would need to add a custom function which extracts the field values. Something which I neglected to do before in hopes Neovim would add support for this to nvim_get_option_value().