lupuandrei / leaf-paginator

Vapor. Leaf paginator

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Vapor 3. Leaf Bootstrap paginator. This package comes as an extension of the Pagination package.

Paginator with previous + current + next alt text

Paginator style hidden: alt text

Paginator style disable: alt text


  1. Vapor 3. Documentation
  2. Bootstrap 4. Documentation
  3. Pagination 1. Documentation


Once set up, you can use it in your Leaf template files like any other tag:


#paginator has one parameter, an object instantiate from struct GFPaginator.ArgumentBox.

You can configure the paging style by setting one of the two options (GFPaginator.StyleType):

  1. disabled: buttons (previous & next) will be disabled if previous & next are nil
  2. hidden: buttons (previous & next) will be hidden if previous & next are nil

Example how to use


import Pagination
import GFPaginator

class UserController: RouteCollection {
  func indexHandler(_ req: Request) throws -> Future<View> {
    return try User.query(on: req).paginate(for: req).flatMap({ (users) in
      let paginatorArgBox = GFPaginator.ArgumentBox(
      let context = IndexContext(users: users, paginatorArgBox: paginatorArgBox)
      return try req.view().render("User/index", context)      

extension UserController {
  struct IndexContext: Encodable {
    let users: Paginated<User>
    let paginatorArgBox: GFPaginator.ArgumentBox




Add as dependency

Add Leaf Markdown as a dependency in your Package.swift file:

dependencies: [
    .package(url: "", from: "0.0.6")

Register with Leaf

To add the tag to Leaf, add it to your LeafTagConfig:

  var tags = LeafTagConfig.default()
  tags.use(GFPaginator(), as:

Note: it's important that you register the LeafProvider first otherwise this will override your LeafTagConfig.

Don't forget to import GFPaginator in the file you register the tag with import GFPaginator.


Vapor. Leaf paginator

License:MIT License


Language:Swift 100.0%