lupuandrei / iCommRN

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool



  1. Update product details from product list reducer
  2. Keep the order of date when a product was added into cart
  3. Add badge on tabBar

Improvements & Warnings

  1. Filter products by category
  2. Infinite scroll on product list
  3. Refresh product list
  4. Resize product image using the param query string imwidth
  5. TabBar icon change tint when the tab is active
  6. The first product's [image](image has http instead of https on iOS. For that Info.plis was modified and there was added in App Transport Security Settings > Exception Domains
  7. Warning: EventEmitter.removeListener('change', ...): Method has been deprecated is an warning from react-native-flash-message

How to install

  1. Install packages

    1. Install node modules: npm install
    2. Install iOS pods: cd ios && pod install
  2. React Native start server npx react-native start --reset-cache

  3. Open the project in Xcode / Android studio

    1. iOS: open iCommRN.xcworkspace
    2. Android: open /android platform
  4. Run


1. React Redux

Library: react-redux

2. Aync-Storage

Library: @react-native-community/async-storage

3. Moment JS

Library: moment-js

4. React Native Elements

Library: react-native-elements

5. Redux thunk

Library: redux-thunk

6. Redux logger

Library: redux-logger

7. Redux persist

Library: redux-persist

8. React Native Navigation

Library: react-native-navigation

9. React Native Flash Message

Library: react-native-flash-message

10. Axios

Library: axios

11. Overlay Spinner

Library: react-native-loading-spinner-overlay

12. Fit Image

Library: react-native-fit-image

13. Vector Icons

Library: react-native-vector-icons



Language:JavaScript 79.0%Language:Java 10.8%Language:Objective-C 7.9%Language:Ruby 1.3%Language:Starlark 1.1%