lupidan / PopoverView

A Popover Controller for Android Tablets. It's an easy solution to simulate an iOS UIPopoverController

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Button Event handler in popover not working

flaviusdemian opened this issue · comments


I have defined in my popover view a button and defined a click handler for it.
The click handler does not trigger.

RelativeLayout rootView = (RelativeLayout)findViewById(;

    PopoverView popoverView = new PopoverView(this, R.layout.popover_showed_view);
    popoverView.setContentSizeForViewInPopover(new Point(320, 340));

    View popoverViewReference = getLayoutInflater().inflate(R.layout.popover_showed_view, null);    

    if( popoverViewReference != null)
        btn_popoverSearch = (Button) popoverViewReference.findViewById(;
        btn_popoverSearch.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener() 
            public void onClick(View v) 
                                  //handler code here
    popoverView.showPopoverFromRectInViewGroup(rootView, PopoverView.getFrameForView(v), PopoverView.PopoverArrowDirectionAny, true);

The btn_popoverSearch is found and is not null but the event handler is not called.
Any suggestions? Thanks a lot.

Can anyone help?

Sorry for the delay. I have to fix my gmail account to receive notifications from github...
When you use the constructor with a layout id, like the first line, you are already inflating and creating a view inside the popover view.

What you are doing is:
1: You are creating a popover view for a layout resource, this instantiates internally the FIRST view inside the popover view
2: You are inflating a SECOND view and adding the listener for the SECOND view only, after that, the view is lost
3: You then show the FIRST view, with the button without an onClickListener

What you HAVE to do:

  1. Inflate the view you want and set the onClickListener
  2. Create a popover view with the view you just created
  3. Show the created popover view

Using your code:

//First create popover view reference
View popoverViewReference = getLayoutInflater().inflate(R.layout.popover_showed_view, null);    
if( popoverViewReference != null)
    btn_popoverSearch = (Button) popoverViewReference.findViewById(;
    btn_popoverSearch.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener() 
        public void onClick(View v) 
            //handler code here

//Second, create the popover view with the view you just created
PopoverView popoverView = new PopoverView(this, popoverViewReference);
popoverView.setContentSizeForViewInPopover(new Point(320, 340));

//Finally, present the popover view
popoverView.showPopoverFromRectInViewGroup(rootView, PopoverView.getFrameForView(v), PopoverView.PopoverArrowDirectionAny, true);

Please tell me if this helps, to close this issue.

I'll take a look in the week-end but probably it will be ok, Thanks.

It works, thank you very much.

On Wednesday, November 27, 2013 3:28 PM, Daniel Lupiañez Casares wrote:

Sorry for the delay. I have to fix my gmail account to receive notifications from github...
When you use the constructor with a layout id, like the first line, you are already inflating and creating a view inside the popover view.
What you are doing is:
1: You are creating a popover view for a layout resource, this instantiates internally the FIRST view inside the popover view
2: You are inflating a SECOND view and adding the listener for the SECOND view only, after that, the view is lost
3: You then show the FIRST view, with the button without an onClickListener
What you HAVE to do:

  1. Inflate the view you want and set the onClickListener
  2. Create a popover view with the view you just created
  3. Show the created popover view
    Using your code:
    //First create popover view reference View popoverViewReference = getLayoutInflater().inflate(R.layout.popover_showed_view, null); if( popoverViewReference != null) { btn_popoverSearch = (Button) popoverViewReference.findViewById(; btn_popoverSearch.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener() { @OverRide public void onClick(View v) { //handler code here } }); } //Second, create the popover view with the view you just created PopoverView popoverView = new PopoverView(this, popoverViewReference); popoverView.setContentSizeForViewInPopover(new Point(320, 340)); popoverView.setDelegate(this); //Finally, present the popover view popoverView.showPopoverFromRectInViewGroup(rootView, PopoverView.getFrameForView(v), PopoverView.PopoverArrowDirectionAny, true);
    Please tell me if this helps, to close this issue.

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