luost26 / diffusion-point-cloud

:thought_balloon: Diffusion Probabilistic Models for 3D Point Cloud Generation (CVPR 2021)

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

make: *** [objs/cuda/approxmatch.o] Error 139

dsw-jlu-rgzn opened this issue · comments

hello , when run the following code
make clean
i get the problem
how can i fix it
and my nvcc -V is 10.0

I will release a version that doesn't require compiling CUDA extensions soon.

Hi, I have a quick question, did you able to build StructuralLossesBacken ? If yes, then would you please let me know how ? I am getting a g++ error ( created an issues already but no response yet).

Hi all,

I have uploaded a version that doesn't require CUDA extensions. It depends ONLY on native pytorch operations.
The version also fixes the multi-processing bug in Dataloader.
You may try this new version.
Sorry for the late update.
