luntergroup / octopus

Bayesian haplotype-based mutation calling

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


gambalab opened this issue · comments

Can someone share it? Since it is not possible to download from gs://luntergroup/octopus/forests/

I have the same issue, is Octopus now an abandonware? Would be dramatic for the community. I opened an "upfront" issue... if there is a problem to host the files, like costing issue, I am certain the community can help.


I would recommend using Zenodo (, it is completely free and datasets can be up to 50 Gb (there is even way to request them to host larger files, if needed, see As a bonus your dataset will get a DOI and a direct download link.

The Zelondo solution seems appropriate. Do you have an idea of when the files will be available again? I need them.

Thanks for Octopus

Thanks for the suggestion @jflot - I'll look into that asap. Closing as duplicate of #259.

figshare is an other free solution.. plus has a DOI and can be cited :)