luntergroup / octopus

Bayesian haplotype-based mutation calling

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Can't see realigned bams in the latest IGV on windows

waalkes opened this issue · comments

I have tried to load the realigned bam in the latest IGV (2.14.1) on Windows and the initial(input) bam works but the realigned bam (command line below) nor the sorted (I tried sorting it) show anything. The reference is CP034067.1

docker run -v /mnt/disk4/labs/salipante/databases/reference_genomes/$ref:/mnt/disk4/labs/salipante/databases/reference_genomes/$ref -v /mnt/home/waalkes/shigella3/$pfx.Analysis:/mnt/home/waalkes/shigella3/$pfx.Analysis octopus -R /mnt/disk4/labs/salipante/databases/reference_genomes/$ref/$ref.fa -I /mnt/home/waalkes/shigella3/$pfx.Analysis/$pfx.shortread_genome.bam -P 1 --threads 64 -o /mnt/home/waalkes/shigella3/$pfx.Analysis/$pfx.octo_bamout.vcf --bamout /mnt/home/waalkes/shigella3/$pfx.Analysis/$pfx.realigned.bam

Am I missing something?


Fixed. I updated and sorted and indexed with a later version of samtools and it worked.