lunixbochs / usercorn

dynamic binary analysis via platform emulation

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

add symbols to the repl

lunixbochs opened this issue · comments

If this implies that the symbol names would be used during trace that would be amazing, maybe being able to link to the raw assembly files so comments are kept as well

trace already has symbols, they're just not used in memory/register/jump target addrs

That is what I meant, that would be very nice to be able to see the addrs and the symbols

That has nothing to do with this issue, and the trace UI already has access to symbols

I am sorry then, I didn't quite understand what this issue was about. Should I open a new issue then?

Yes. This issue is about using symbols for stuff like breakpoints and address math when running commands in the REPL