LunacyZeus / batch_ping

support batch ping

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


ICMP batch Ping library for Go, inspired by go-ping

Here is a very simple example :

Here is an example:

package main

import (

func main (){
	ipSlice := []string{}
	ipSlice = append(ipSlice, "")
	ipSlice = append(ipSlice, "")
	ipSlice = append(ipSlice, "")
	ipSlice = append(ipSlice, "")
	ipSlice = append(ipSlice, "")
	ipSlice = append(ipSlice, "")
	ipSlice = append(ipSlice, "")
	ipSlice = append(ipSlice, "")
	ipSlice = append(ipSlice, "")
	ipSlice = append(ipSlice, "")
	ipSlice = append(ipSlice, "")
	ipSlice = append(ipSlice, "")

	bp, err := ping.NewBatchPinger(ipSlice, 4, time.Second*1, time.Second*10, true)

	if err != nil {

	bp.OnRecv = func(pkt *icmp.Echo, srcAddr string) {
		fmt.Printf("recv icmp_id=%d, icmp_seq=%d, srcAddr %v\n",
			pkt.ID, pkt.Seq, srcAddr)

	bp.OnFinish = func(stMap map[string]*ping.Statistics) {
		for ip, st := range stMap{
			fmt.Printf("\n--- %s ping statistics ---\n", st.Addr)
			fmt.Printf("ip %s, %d packets transmitted, %d packets received, %v%% packet loss\n",ip,
				st.PacketsSent, st.PacketsRecv, st.PacketLoss)
			fmt.Printf("round-trip min/avg/max/stddev = %v/%v/%v/%v\n",
				st.MinRtt, st.AvgRtt, st.MaxRtt, st.StdDevRtt)



It sends ICMP packet(s) and waits for a response. If it receives a response, it calls the "receive" callback. When it's finished, it calls the "finish" callback.


go get

Note on linux support :

This library attempts to send an "unprivileged" ping via UDP. On linux, this must be enabled by setting

sudo sysctl -w net.ipv4.ping_group_range="0   2147483647"

To do:

1, bind source ip

2, support ipv6


1, ping 能ping 多个ip, id 号为进程号,seq 依次递增

2, 因为是采用一发,一收,需要对输入ip 去重

3, 不兼容 ipv4和ipv6 混合ping

4, tick 需要close

5, ip 域名翻译的时候,需要用map 做映射

6, 批量发包的时候,网络原因,会出现部分包异常

7, 每轮不能统计超时

8, bind source ip


to see the blog


support batch ping


Language:Go 100.0%