lukemelas / realfusion

Official code for "RealFusion: 360° Reconstruction of Any Object from a Single Image" (CVPR 2023)

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Code release

ming1993li opened this issue · comments


Hi authors, thank you very much for your great work! It is pretty appealing for me. When will you release your code?

I'd also love to try this out! Hopefully 🤞 sometime today as promised in the readme?

Hello! I'm afraid I've had to push the release date, as I might be submitting to ICCV (it's unlikely, but I'm going to try to push for it -- the next week will be a real grind). The deadline for that is March 8 at midnight, so I'll get some sleep on March 9 and have code out by March 10.

Sorry for the delay!


Good luck on your submission!

Looking forward to trying this out! Hope your submission went well!

Even just the approach of corrupting a single image to make a TI more robust is going to be useful for other applications - disentangling object from style and orientation more effectively!

Thanks! There was a bit more code refactoring than I expected, so it will be out on Monday. I think it's done now, but I have to re-test it now that I've refactored it.

Thanks! There was a bit more code refactoring than I expected, so it will be out on Monday. I think it's done now, but I have to re-test it now that I've refactored it.

Looking forward to trying this work. Hopefully, it is released as soon as possible!

Thanks! There was a bit more code refactoring than I expected, so it will be out on Monday. I think it's done now, but I have to re-test it now that I've refactored it.


Any update :)

@tares003 give him time to heal and recover ;)

I'm also looking forward to the code release !!!

Is there an update on the code release :) ?

I hope to be released soon, I'm also looking forward to trying this work :D

any update?

This is a great work. Do you have any plans to make the code public shortly? @lukemelas


My apologies for the delay. It was due to a bunch of unexpected things (unrelated to this project) which prevented me from working on this for multiple weeks. Thank you to everyone who followed up on this!