lukeed / sade

Smooth (CLI) Operator 🎶

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

How to pack/distribute?

djalmaaraujo opened this issue · comments

Running your example code, but getting:

➜  wrklog node index.js
> building from [object Object] to undefined
> these are extra opts undefined
const sade = require('sade')
const prog = sade('wrk')

  .option('--global, -g', 'An example global flag')
  .option('-c, --config', 'Provide path to custom config', 'foo.config.js')

  .command('build <src> <dest>')
  .describe('Build the source directory. Expects an `index.js` entry file.')
  .option('-o, --output', 'Change the name of the output file', 'bundle.js')
  .example('build src build --global --config my-conf.js')
  .example('build app public -o main.js')
  .action((src, dest, opts) => {
    console.log(`> building from ${src} to ${dest}`)
    console.log('> these are extra opts', opts)
