lukechilds / zsh-nvm

Zsh plugin for installing, updating and loading nvm

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Does zsh-nvm support nvm options completion?

brianrobt opened this issue · comments

I love the plugin and appreciate the work you put in to make it possible.


I'm not a filing a bug report but just asking a question or requesting a feature. Does zsh-nvm support options completion suggestions for nvm?

For example, with nvm install -- and then tab pressed I would expect the install options to be listed as suggestions:

--reinstall --lts ... etc.


I am using OhMyZsh and have the plugin loaded along with the export of the bash profile as suggested in the README.

.zshrc. snippet:

# OhMyZsh stuff
export NVM_COMPLETION=true
plugins=(git zsh-nvm)
# Custom configurations

Does the export command above need to be in my .bashrc or .bash_profile instead of .zshrc? I was confused by the README about this:

nvm comes with a default bash_completion profile. If you want to enable it, you can do it by exporting the NVM_COMPLETION environment variable and setting it to true. It must be set before zsh-nvm is loaded.
For example, if you are using antigen, you would put the following in your .zshrc:

The above states to set NVM_COMPLETION in the .zshrc but it doesn't seem to do anything for me. Maybe the OMZ plugin just takes care of that by itself.