lukechilds / zsh-nvm

Zsh plugin for installing, updating and loading nvm

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Antigen doesn't fully initialize

john-kurkowski opened this issue · comments

I ran antigen update recently. My themes stopped working. I bisected all my Antigen plugins. Everything works if I exclude zsh-nvm.

I did a git bisect on zsh-nvm, performing antigen reset in between checkouts. Looks like this started with 8bdba4f.

Sorry about that! Thanks for doing some digging.

So if you remove return true everything works ok?

Can you tell me your OS/zsh version and what zsh-nvm options (if any) you have enabled?

Would you mind trying the fix in #20 and seeing if it resolves your issue?

@john-kurkowski actually, don't worry about that PR, it was a bug that needed fixing regardless of whether it was causing your problem or not so I've merged it into master.

Can you antigen update again and let me know if it's working?

No dice.

If I remove that line, return 0, it works again.


macOS 10.12.1
antigen 1.3.2
zsh 5.3.1

export NVM_DIR=~/.nvm
export NVM_NO_USE=true

Hmmn, ok bare with me

Ok, appears to be an issue in a recent version of antigen. I just updated my antigen installation and I'm getting the same problem.

I think a plugin should be able to return so I'd consider this a bug in antigen not zsh-nvm. However I'll add a workaround for now so this doesn't affect any other antigen users and raise an issue with them.

@john-kurkowski It's working for me now, could you test again?

You may need to delete the zsh-nvm folder so antigen pulls down a fresh copy.

Works now! Thank you!

Thanks for your help on this @john-kurkowski

Issue for antigen is here if you're interested: zsh-users/antigen#386