lukeawyatt / docker-tlauncher

A containerized TLauncher Minecraft client which utilizes Docker and xhost.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

##                                                                                                                           ##
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##                                                                                                                           ##
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##                                                                                                                           ##

This project offers a quick way to spin up the TLauncher Minecraft Client within a Docker container. There are numerous use cases for this, and if you've landed on this project, chances are you already have good reason. This project uses the OFFICIAL TLauncher jar and not a self-hosted alternative. I'll do my best to keep this reference up to date, but drop an issue down if you're finding it broken.

This repository is derived from dm9pZCAq's Dockerfile.



Environment Prerequisites:

Prior to running this image, you'll need to permit Docker on the local machine to connect to the X window display. Run this command to do so:

xhost +local:docker


Build the image from GitHub:

You can build this image directly from GitHub. This scenario can be utilized when no changes to the image are required.

docker build -t tlauncher


Or build the image locally:

If you need to debug or modify this Dockerfile, pull the repository down, make your changes, and run the build locally.

git clone
cd docker-tlauncher/source
docker build -t tlauncher .



Run the Container:

To spin up the container from your local image using the Docker CLI, run the following command. You can make some simple modifications here to adjust the mount point of your volume in this line -v $HOME/.minecraft/:/minecraft where $HOME/.minecraft represents the directory path local to your machine. Note, the volume -v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix is utilized by x11 and required for proper display. There are a few audio options that you might need to experiment with to get the sound passthrough working properly. See the next section for some suggestions.

docker run \
    --rm -dit \
    --device /dev/snd \
    -v $HOME/.minecraft/:/minecraft \
    -v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix \



Docker Container Audio is hands-down the most finicky portion of this whole process. If you're not too familiar with how your audio is setup on your local machine, try the ALSA CONFIGURATION first and move forward from there. Feel free to submit a PR if you've discovered any adjustments that have worked with your particular setup. My personal machine works well with the PULSEAUDIO CONFIGURATION.


ALSA CONFIGURATION: Add to docker run

--device /dev/snd



--volume /run/user/$(id -u)/pulse/native:/run/user/$(id -u)/pulse/native
--env PULSE_SERVER=unix:/run/user/$(id -u)/pulse/native
--user $(id -u):$(id -g)



Next Action:

  • Account for java versioning requirements (8, 11, 17)
  • Figure out the state of GPU support (I'm personally behind on this understanding)


A containerized TLauncher Minecraft client which utilizes Docker and xhost.

License:MIT License


Language:Dockerfile 100.0%