luke-chang / js-spatial-navigation

A javascript-based implementation of Spatial Navigation.

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How to use (js-spatial-navigation)focus for pages(elements) to render data from an api ?

shaikzubeer1 opened this issue · comments

I am working on a web application for smart TV , i find it difficult to get the focus on element i create with data that gets rendered from the api. I believe only rendered elements or already available elements are focused right now for my application. Also i am using pure JavaScript with no framework for my app, can you please help me on this ?

@luke-chang can you please help me on this ??

Hi @shaikzubeer1, I'm a bit not sure what your problem is. Do you mean that SpatialNavigation can't move focus to the elements that are not rendered initially? If so, I wonder how you set up your "selector". Would you mind sharing your code snippets? It would be much helpful. Thanks.

Hi @luke-chang , here's the code :

SpatialNavigation.add('horz_content', {
selector: '.focusable',
enterTo: 'last-focused'

getJSON('API').then(function(data) {
}, function(status) { //error detection....
alert('Something went wrong.');

function populateMenuList(data){
var pdata = data['data'];
var program = pdata['horizontal_menu'];
var vert_content = document.getElementById('vert_content');
for (var i = 0; i < program.length; i++) {
var programTitle = document.createElement('div');
programTitle.textContent = program[i].title;
programTitle.className = 'focusable';

So, here i do not get the focus at all, how can i tackle this ? also if my elements size in the page is not constant or is dynamic , how can i get focus on those elements ??


Since <div> isn't focusable natively and SpatialNavigation.makeFocusable doesn't apply to new elements by design, I believe it is the root cause of your problem. You can either set programTitle.setAttribute('tabindex', '-1') by yourself or call SpatialNavigation.makeFocusable again whenever new elements have been appended to the DOM tree.

thanks allot @luke-chang , SpatialNavigation.makeFocusable works absolutely fine :-) Thank you

Another query @luke-chang , how to keep two elements on focus ? suppose i select an item from menu, sub-menu to that item opens, i want to keep menu item highlighted/focused as long as i get a key event from seb-menu item. Is there a way to keep both menu and sub-menu item focused ??


I have been able to develop a small test site using your code
just one persistent problem. My links open a new page to play mpeg4 videos when I use the return or back button on the fireTV d-pad my home page defaults to the first focusable element on the page instead of the last focused element. I think its working as expected on my windows chrome browser but not on the firetv???