lukaszlach / satis-server

:whale: Private, self-hosted Composer/Satis repository with unlimited private and open-source packages and support for Git, Mercurial, and Subversion. HTTP API, HTTPs support, webhook handler, scheduled builds, Slack and HipChat integration.

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Pushes to dev-master does not rebuild the distribution zip but works fine on dev-develop

lukeenglish opened this issue · comments

We have 2 main dev branches - dev-develop and dev-master

if we push to dev-develop the zip file on the satis server is rebuilt and when we run composer update we get the latest code.

However if we do the same on dev-master and run composer update we see the latest commit being detected by composer but the zip file does not get re-generated and our code becomes outdated.

If we add -prefer-source in composer then it works fine - the issue is with the “distribution packages” provided by this software.

Any ideas ? I’ve tried everything to try and fix the issue !


I am experiencing this issue also.

edit: in that tags are built correctly but dev branches are not. They have the wrong commit hashes when pulled in from satis server. I suspect its some sort of cache that satis-server is doing.

Any way to resolve?

Solved by adding the below to the satis.json entry

cache-dir I think is the one that fixes it - as it essentially disabled the composer cache

    "require-all": true,
    "require-dependencies": true,
    "require-dev-dependencies": true,
    "config": {
        "cache-dir": "/dev/null"

This doesnt solve it - problem has came back! Nevermind.

Screenshot 2022-11-01 at 18 52 58