luizdepra / hugo-coder

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Fork-Awesome is deprecated, please consider alternatives

paride opened this issue · comments

Describe the problem:

I've been watching Fork-Awesome for a while, a bit frustrated by bugs, missing icons and the lack of new releases. I even recompiled it myself to use a newer version of it, only to discover more bugs.

Turns out the Fork-Awesome consider the project deprecated (or even "failed" in some ways), and plan to archive it in 2024. See and

I think hugo-coder should start looking for alternatives, which may include switching back to Font Awesome.


Well, we could change. No problem.
But, returning to Font Awesome is not an option because of its license.

Hey @luizdepra, AIUI the problem with Font Awesome is not really the license, but the fact that the build system is not public, and that the project does not accept community contributions. At least this is what I get paragraph right before "Forkawesome 1.x" in

Fontawesome 5.0.6, the initial release of the 5.x series, was released on the 6th of February 2018 by Rob Madole. (The very first release of series 5.x, 5.0.0-alpha1, was released on the 23rd of June 2017, but is no longer available.) On the 4th of February 2018 Julian Deswaef raised the FortAwesome/Font-Awesome#12199 (comment) that the build system for the website and CSS, LESS & SASS was no longer shared, and that community pull requests were continuing to be refused. Madole confirmed these developments were intentional FortAwesome/Font-Awesome#12199 (comment).

This said, I am totally in favor of using a "true" FLOSS project (without a working build system the sources are not of much use), but unfortunately I don't see many alternatives at the moment :(

For what it's worth, I got sufficiently frustrated with the missing parts of Fork Awesome that I actually carry a patch on my own repo to swap back to Font Awesome, which thankfully was relatively minimal in size.

(For anyone reading this, don't directly use my patch, though, I've deliberately dropped the v4 shims in favour of swapping to v5+ syntax, so it is not a drop in replacement for an existing codebase)