luispadron / UICircularProgressRing

A circular progress bar for iOS written in Swift

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Cannot add legacy version via CocoaPods

serkrapiv opened this issue · comments

Version: 7.0.0

Xcode version: 12.1

iOS version: 13.7, 14

Overview of what you tried to do

I tried to instal legacy version of your library via CocoaPods. Library is installed successfully, i add 'import UICircularProgressRing' to a file where i want to use it. But then I can't access any classes in the pod. If I use, for example

let view = UICircularProgressRing()

I get this error: Cannot call value of non-function type 'module'.

Did I forget how to add pods, or is there a bug?

Version 7.0.0 is not the legacy version of the project. As it only support swift package manager, I recommend you downgrade the version.