luispadron / UICircularProgressRing

A circular progress bar for iOS written in Swift

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How to get time from UICircularTimerRing?

m-tatsuto opened this issue · comments

Can't get progress time.
I am calling continueTimer() by force, but Debug logs are noisy

        self.progressUpdateTimer = Timer.scheduledTimer(withTimeInterval: 0.2, repeats: true, block: { (timer) in
       searchProgress.startTimer(to: maxtime) { (state) in
            switch state {
            case .finished:
            case .continued(let time):
                let remainTime = Int(maxtime) - Int(time ?? 0)
                self.searchProgressInfoLabel.text = "\(remainTime)s"

Not sure what you are asking here, in the continued state time is the current time of the ring.

You should also only call continueTimer after pauseTimer, if you want to reset the timer call resetTimer

I want to get the remaining time while the ring is spinning.
I can't find way