luispadron / UICircularProgressRing

A circular progress bar for iOS written in Swift

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Use of unresolved identifier UICircularProgressRing

Kushal-TwentyBN opened this issue · comments


  • Version = 6.5.0


  • Has the question been answered here before?
    • No
  • Please provide as much detail as possible below
    • Hi, thanks for this awesome library. Not sure if this is has been addressed before but I could not find anything related.

When I try to connect the UICircularProgressRing as an IBOutlet to my View Controller, I get the following error. Property cannot be marked @IBOutlet because its type cannot be represented in Objective-C

When I try to initialize an instance of UICircularProgressRing in code, I get Use of unresolved identifier UICircularProgressRing. I am using ObjC in some areas of the project, does this mean I need to revert back to a previous version to use this pod?

Thanks, any help is appreciated.

Hey! Yes objective c support was dropped in v5. You will need to use v4 or below, sorry!

Alternatively, you can use v5+ from within Swift.