luisherranz / deepsignal

DeepSignal 🧶 - Preact signals, but using regular JavaScript objects

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Getters make the component re-renders when using signals

mkhennoussi opened this issue · comments

Hi there ! Thank you for this lib, it makes a perfect combo with preact/signals.

When I use the counter example in React from the docs :

import { deepSignal } from "deepsignal";

const state = deepSignal({
	count: 0,
	get double() {
		return state.count * 2;

function Counter() {
	return (
		<button onClick={() => (state.count += 1)}>
			{state.$count} x 2 = {state.$double}

the component is re-rendered when I use {state.$double}.

The same computed value doesn't make a re-render when I use it with preact directly: const double = computed(() => count.value*2).

If I use the same principe with deepsignal, it doesn't make a re-render :

get double() {
		return computed(() => state.count * 2);

In the docs, you wrote : deepsignal will convert getters to computed values instead of signal instances underneath.

So I am not sure what's happening here. Is it the behaviour we should expect when using the signal state.$double ?

Thanks a lot for your help !

Your code snippet works fine for me:

Could you please try to reproduce it in a codesandbox/stackblitz/repository so I can take a look?

update: The issue is still there, caused by HMR. I don't know now where does it comes from....

Hi @luisherranz , thanks for your answers here and twitter !

Indeed, I tried on Stackblitz and CodeSandBox and it works too. So I was testing the lib with React and Typescript from the Vite Scaffolding template using pnpm create vite@latest.

Then I found the "issue". Vite wrap the App component in React.StrictMode :

    <App />

The strict mode which expects things such as render to be pure, so maybe this is why I got re-rendering.
As strict mode is only used in development, when I build the app, everything works great.

So this can be solve by removing the strict mode.

Thanks again for your help and your work !

Nice. I'm glad it works 🙂

Closing this now as resolved but feel free to reopen if you find any issue again.

Haha it doesn't work, I thought it was the strict mode, but it seems related to Vite HMR... but I don't know how... I'll keep you posted if I find something.

Ok! If you are able to reproduce it, reopen the issue please 🙂