lugolabs / circles

A lightweight JavaScript library that generates circular graphs in SVG.

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different size for values

timersys opened this issue · comments

It's posible to asign different size to the value stroke to create something like the attached image?
Im know nothing of svg but if you say its possible i will start playing with the javascript until i get something similar
captura de pantalla 2014-07-03 a la s 17 00 34

It is possible, by changing the 'stroke-width' attribute of each path (around line 171 of circles.js). Circles use the same stroke width for both paths, so you'll have to experiment a bit.

Thanks! I will try

I´ve been playing with that but it's not what I need. What I need to the inner(green circle) have a smaller radius than the red circle. So basically they are same stroke width but different radio.

I tried by adding a static counter ( i have 3 circles, 6 in total if you count reds and greens) and that counter runs 6 times (one for each color circle).
I tried changing radius when counter % 2 0 to apply the radius only to red circle but it reduce the size of both (red and green) instead of all reds.

I really appreciate your help!
captura de pantalla 2014-07-14 a la s 10 54 16