ludwig-ai / ludwig

Low-code framework for building custom LLMs, neural networks, and other AI models

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batch_size > 1 results in NaN loss value

K-Mistele opened this issue · comments

Describe the bug

When I set a trainer.batch_size of > 1 or auto, my loss value is always NaN, and training will fail and exit at the end of the first epoch. Setting batch_size to 1 fixes the issue, but results in very inefficient GPU utilization for more powerful GPUs.

To Reproduce

Steps to reproduce the behavior:

Do LoRA training with a trainer.batch_size of auto or >= 1:

model_type: llm
base_model: mistralai/Mistral-7B-v0.1
  bits: 4

  type: lora

  template: >-
    You are given a premise and a hypothesis below. If the premise entails the hypothesis, return 0. If the premise co>

    ### Premise: {premise}

    ### Hypothesis: {hypothesis}

    ### Label:

  - name: input # this is a placeholder since we are using a prompt template, it is not expected to match a column.
    type: text

  - name: label
    type: text

  type: finetune
  batch_size: 1
  enable_gradient_checkpointing: true
  epochs: 1
  learning_rate: 0.00002
      decay: cosine
      warmup_fraction: 0.03
      reduce_on_plateau: 0
  type: local

  temperature: 0.1
  max_new_tokens: 512

     type: random
     probabilities: [0.9, 0.05, 0.05]

Expected behavior

I would expect a non-NaN loss value.


Starting with step 0, epoch: 0
Training:  33%|███▎      | 429/1287 [32:07<1:08:57,  4.82s/it, loss=nan]Found NaN or inf values in parameter 'model.base_model.model.model.layers.0.self_attn.q_proj.lora_A.default.weight' of module 'LLM'
NaN or inf tensors found in the model. Stopping training.
Could not load best checkpoint state from /mnt/disk/AI/ludwig/ludwig-lora/results/experiment_run/model/training_checkpoints/best.ckpt. Best checkpoint may not exist.
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/constellate/anaconda3/envs/ludwig/bin/ludwig", line 8, in <module>
  File "/home/constellate/anaconda3/envs/ludwig/lib/python3.10/site-packages/ludwig/", line 197, in main
  File "/home/constellate/anaconda3/envs/ludwig/lib/python3.10/site-packages/ludwig/", line 72, in __init__
    getattr(self, args.command)()
  File "/home/constellate/anaconda3/envs/ludwig/lib/python3.10/site-packages/ludwig/", line 77, in train
  File "/home/constellate/anaconda3/envs/ludwig/lib/python3.10/site-packages/ludwig/", line 395, in cli
  File "/home/constellate/anaconda3/envs/ludwig/lib/python3.10/site-packages/ludwig/", line 185, in train_cli
  File "/home/constellate/anaconda3/envs/ludwig/lib/python3.10/site-packages/ludwig/", line 678, in train
    train_stats = trainer.train(
  File "/home/constellate/anaconda3/envs/ludwig/lib/python3.10/site-packages/ludwig/trainers/", line 1130, in train
    raise RuntimeError(error_message)
RuntimeError: Training ran into an error. No checkpoint was saved. This is because training was terminated early due to the presence of NaN or Inf values in the model weights before a single valid checkpoint could be saved.

Environment (please complete the following information):

  • OS: Debian 12 (Bookworm)
  • Python version: python 3.10.13 (through anaconda)
  • Ludwig version: latest (v0.10.0)

Additional context
GPU: 1x Tesla v100 32GB

Hi @K-Mistele! This is actually a known issue that we recently debugged and is actually not specific to Ludwig!

The best way to solve it is to set bnb_4bit_compute_dtype in the quantisation section of the Ludwig config to bfloat16 instead of float16 since batch sizes of > 1 with mistral in particular lead to bit overflows during training resulting in NaN loss during the first backprop in the train loop.

However, I notice you're training on a V100 and I don't think bfloat16 is supported since it only works on ampere architectures and above? Is there any chance you can use a newer Nvidia GPU?

The only Nvidia GPU that supports the bfloat16 is the A100 which I do not have access to. My v100 is an owned GPU not a rented/cloud one, so I try and stick with that whenever possible since I'm not paying by the hour.

@K-Mistele that makes sense! Actually the entire A series uses Ampere, so you could consider an A5000 from AWS which is pretty cheap. I might also suggest giving the Predibase free trial a try since we have A5000s/A6000s etc (A10Gs) for fine-tuning and we have $25 in free trial credits!

I am planning to I just want to make sure I can use the tool locally first

is there no workaround for a v100?

Unfortunately, not to my knowledge with Mistral. Do you want to test Llama-2-7B instead? The issue doesn't show up there with larger batch sizes!

yeah I can try it

@K-Mistele let me know how it goes!

Do you know if zephyr has the same problem @arnavgarg1 ?

@K-Mistele not to my knowledge!

@K-Mistele Did the fix work?