lucy / mpdviz

console mpd visualizer

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howto compile on debian...

dru8274 opened this issue · comments

I am on Debian testing (nee Crunchbang), but quite keen to compile and run mpdviz. Following the commands in aur/PKGBUILD, it has worked okay up until the "go install" command. With this error

cannot create nil/go.o: No such file or directory

I'm not expert on compiling for Go. Or how arch makepkg runs a specific PKGBUILD script. Can you see howto fix this error plz?

user: $ apt-get install golang cl-fftw3 # install Go language and fftw3
user: $ cd temp
user: $ pkgname=mpdviz
user: $ pkgver=0.4.2
user: $ pkgrel=1
user: $ pkgdesc='Standalone console MPD visualizer'
user: $ export arch=('x86_64' 'i686' )
user: $ export url=''
user: $ license=('MIT')
user: $ makedepends=('go')
user: $ depends=('fftw')
user: $ export options=('!emptydirs')
user: $ export _gourl=''
user: $ export srcdir="$PWD"
user: $ export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/usr/lib/pkgconfig
user: $ export GOPATH="$srcdir"
user: $ export PATH=$PATH:$GOPATH/bin
user: $
user: $ go get -u -d -v "$_gourl" (download) (download) (download) (download)
user: $
user: $ cd "$srcdir/src/$_gourl"
user: $ git checkout -q tags/$pkgver
user: $
user: $ go install

cannot create nil/go.o: No such file or directory

If you have Go installed and setup (check go version and echo $GOPATH and echo $GOBIN) then all you have to do is go get that will download, build and install the binary in where you have $GOBIN set.