luckyframework / authentic

An authentication library for Lucky projects

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Multiple calls to current_user per action

jwoertink opened this issue · comments

This is a minor thing, but something to think about. Here's a log showing which method is being called on a basic install with Authentic:

web    | GET /
web    |  ▸ Handled by Home::Index
web    |  ▸ Ran protect_from_forgery
web    |  ▸ Ran test_backdoor
web    |  ▸ current_user?
web    |  ▸ current_user?
web    |  ▸ Rendered Lucky::WelcomePage
web    |  ▸ Sent 200 (1.56ms)
web    |
web    | GET /sign_up
web    |  ▸ Handled by SignUps::New
web    |  ▸ Ran protect_from_forgery
web    |  ▸ Ran test_backdoor
web    |  ▸ current_user?
web    |  ▸ Ran redirect_signed_in_users
web    |  ▸ current_user?
web    |  ▸ Rendered SignUps::NewPage
web    |  ▸ Sent 200 (939.0µs)
web    |
web    | POST /sign_ups
web    |  ▸ Handled by SignUps::Create
web    |  ▸ Ran protect_from_forgery
web    |  ▸ Ran test_backdoor
web    |  ▸ current_user?
web    |  ▸ Ran redirect_signed_in_users
web    |  ▸ Sent 302 (75.63ms)
web    |
web    | GET /me
web    |  ▸ Handled by Me::Show
web    |  ▸ Ran protect_from_forgery
web    |  ▸ Ran test_backdoor
web    |  ▸ current_user?
web    |  ▸ find_current_user
web    |  ▸ Ran require_sign_in
web    |  ▸ current_user?
web    |  ▸ find_current_user
web    |  ▸ Rendered Me::ShowPage
web    |  ▸ Sent 200 (2.08ms)

Notice once we get to the /me route, it's calling the find_current_user methods twice. We can't memoize that method because it takes an argument, but if we can find a way to memoize something in here, that could reduce the load time just a tad more.

Looks like this one can be closed?

I've generated full app with Lucky 0.18.0 and don't see the duplicates in logs.

@vlazar did you generate the app with the auth stuff? I don't think we've made any changes that would have affected this, but I'll take a look

Will memoize work in this case with User? type?

The Lucky guides states that

There are a few caveats to the memoize macro. It will not memoize false, or nil return values. If your method returns a “falsey” value, then it will be ran each time.

Good point! Haha. I guess I should know my own framework a bit better :P We'll have to figure something else out then. Maybe we need to bite but bullet and add some query cache to Avram. That'd fix this automatically which would be very cool

It's definitely time for some query cache!

So I assume building memoize macro which allows for nil and false results to be memoized is impossible in Crystal?

It is possible, but we haven't implemented it yet, and it can be error-prone

@paulcsmith If I understood you correctly having memoize macro allowing nil and false might cause more trouble and not worth it?

This is not a good first issue then :)

Yeah, I didn't add in nil or false support because it causes a lot of other issues. Same with passing arguments. There's some trade-offs, but our current memoize support works pretty great. If you're looking for some more "good first issues", I'll go through and start marking some stuff 😄 Thanks for all the help!

@jwoertink Yeah, I'm looking around currently, going random directions to learn some Crystal and Lucky. Maybe I should also start building some app in Lucky.

Just an update: we can now cache nil and false results with the memoize macro luckyframework/lucky@9be023f

@matthewmcgarvey YES! Thanks for doing that. I'll update my PR and merge that once green