luciodale / fork

A non-intrusive Clojurescript form management library for Re-frame and Reagent.

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Setting server messages doesn't work as intended.

conjurernix opened this issue · comments

I want to use to potentially set a server error from my fetch's on-fail handler to the form. From what i see in the fork.core the message is set in the path [db path :server-message].

(defn set-server-message
  [db path message]
  (assoc-in db (concat (vectorize-path path) [:server-message]) message))

but this prop is not returned from fork.

(let [db @(rf/subscribe [::db path])
              validation (when-let [val-fn (:validation props)]
                           (core/handle-validation @state val-fn))
              server-validation (core/resolve-server-validation (:server db))
              on-submit-server-message (:server-message db)]
           {:props (:props props)
            :state state
            :db db
            :path path
            :form-id form-id
            :values (:values @state)
            :dirty (core/dirty (:values @state) (merge (:initial-values @state)
                                                       (:touched-values @state)))
            :errors validation
            :server-errors server-validation
            :on-submit-server-message on-submit-server-message
            :touched (:touched handlers)
            :set-touched (:set-touched handlers)
            :set-untouched (:set-untouched handlers)
            :submitting? (:submitting? db)
            :attempted-submissions (or (:attempted-submissions @state) 0)
            :successful-submissions (or (:successful-submissions @state) 0)
            :set-values (:set-values handlers)
            :disable (:disable handlers)
            :enable (:enable handlers)
            :disabled? (:disabled? handlers)
            :normalize-name (:normalize-name handlers)
            :set-handle-change (:set-handle-change handlers)
            :set-handle-blur (:set-handle-blur handlers)
            :handle-change (:handle-change handlers)
            :handle-blur (:handle-blur handlers)
            :send-server-request (:send-server-request handlers)
            :reset (:reset handlers)
            :handle-submit #(core/handle-submit % (merge props
                                                         {:state state
                                                          :path path
                                                          :server (:server db)
                                                          :form-id form-id
                                                          :validation validation
                                                          :already-submitting? (:submitting? db)
                                                          :reset (:reset handlers)}))}])

From what i understand the :on-submit-server-message is supposed to reflect that, but it's being read from a different path [db :server-message] which I guess is not correct as it would cause errors when rendering multiple forms (that's why you'd need the path).

Also using :server-message instead of :on-submit-server-message looks cleaner and more concise, also more consistent with the "setter".

My bad, I didn't notice this line of code:

(let [db @(rf/subscribe [::db path])

but I'd still prefer them to have a consistent naming.

I think I initially considered just :server-message, but ended up with something more specific. Maybe :server-message would be better, as I'm using that key in the re-frame db anyways. I think I'll update it thanks.